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< rcurtin> the matrix build is almost fully working, finally :)
< zoq> rcurtin: nice, almost?
< rcurtin> yeah, it looks like there are a couple of build failures
< rcurtin> and it also takes longer than 24 hours so it falls behind
< rcurtin> the sparc64 systems are a lot slower to build mlpack than I would have thought
< rcurtin> 18 hours to run the tests in debug mode, 3.5 hours without debugging symbols, still very long
< zoq> hm, 18 hours that's really long
< rcurtin> yeah, it seems either the performance of the sparc64 processor is not good, or there are many tests that could be shortened (or both)
< zoq> rcurtin: right, I'll have to take a deeper look into the recurrent network test, sometimes it takes a lot of time.
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