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< rcurtin> zoq: #991 (appveyor build on VS2017 and VS2015) looks good to me, should I go ahead and merge it?
< zoq> rcurtin: Sure feel free.
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< Carlos_> Hi all, i was trying to install mlpack library exactly in the same way that it's described on this page: "", but in the last step i have a problem. When i try to build my 'mlpack.sln' i have so much fails and all are about "we cannot find mlpack.lib". Anybody has an idea about what's going on? Thanks.
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< zoq> Carlos_: Hello, what's the output of the cmake command used in the last step?
< zoq> lool_: Let us know if we can clarify anthing.
< zoq> In case they check the logs.
< rcurtin> I don't have the original message from lool_, so it won't appear in the logs
< rcurtin> there was actually 20 minutes of downtime for just now, first time in the two years it's been in this datacenter
< rcurtin> I thought maybe the system had gone down and I was getting ready to pack up and march down to the datacenter to fix it
< rcurtin> then it became accessible again, and turns out the system itself never went down, must have just been a network hiccup
< zoq> 20 minutes downtime in two years is not that bad
< zoq> The orginal message from lool_ "I don't understand this chat system :/"
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< zoq> Carlos_: Hello there, did you see my message in the logs?
< Carlos_> yes, i am watching it right now
< Carlos_> the last thing that appears on cmake is: "build files have been written to: C:/projects/armadillo/build
< Carlos_> so i suppose that this step its ok
< zoq> Do you get the same output for the mlpack step?
< Carlos_> only one thing is different
< Carlos_> i am doing it again and it appears a warning:
< Carlos_> could not find pkgconfig
< Carlos_> the rest its exactly the same
< Carlos_> and i didnt had problems compiling armadillo library
< zoq> okay, you can ignore the pkgconfig warning on windows
< zoq> I guess you have visual studio 2015 or 2017?
< Carlos_> 2017
< Carlos_> but i changed the command line
< Carlos_> to "Visual Studio 15 2017 x64"
< Carlos_> and also, one of the boots package
< Carlos_> which has another version
< Carlos_> so the next step is open "mlpack.sln" and compile, right?
< zoq> yes
< Carlos_> but it doenst work
< zoq> I wonder what happens if you don't adjust the visual studio version and still use -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
< Carlos_> no i changed it
< Carlos_> i used -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
< Carlos_> because using the first one, cmake didnt work
< zoq> Can you post the output on pastebin, github gists, etc.?
< Carlos_> the output of the compile? or the cmake?
< zoq> hm, strange, I used the same command for 2015 and 2017
< Carlos_> really? and it worked?
< zoq> the visual studio output if you hit 'Build Solution'
< zoq> maybe appveyor does some magic behind the scenes not sure
< Carlos_> maybe, because if i put -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" it doesnt work for me
< Carlos_> how can i show u it?
< zoq> the output?
< Carlos_> yes
< zoq> you can post the link
< Carlos_> wait a minute
< Carlos_> this is one
< Carlos_> and its about the boostlib
< Carlos_> i installed -vc140 in all of them and now it requires -vc141
< Carlos_> and this is the other one
< zoq> So you installed all boost dependencies (vc140) right?
< Carlos_> yes
< zoq> Are the vc141 libs in the same folder?
< Carlos_> no, i didnt installed vc141 libs, only vc140
< zoq> strange, wonder why it's picking up vc141
< Carlos_> should i install all the vc141 libs too?
< Carlos_> that's what i dont understand, if i installed only vc140 libs why it ask me for vc141
< zoq> I think it should work with the vc140 libs, but I guess it's worth a test
< zoq> I would move the vc140 libs before testing it again
< zoq> yeah, it's weird, haven't seen this error before
< Carlos_> ok, i can try it again and test
< Carlos_> what do u think about the second error?
< Carlos_> maybe it is in relation with the first one?
< zoq> maybe, not sure
< Carlos_> thanks for all mate
< Carlos_> i will put here the result of it, i will try again
< Carlos_> thanks for all the answers :D
< zoq> Sounds good, let's see if that helps.
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