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< dhama> do I have to know machine learning concepts like its mathematics prior to contribution because I just have experience in C++ coding and novice to machine learning.
< dhama> Please help
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< zoq> dhama: Hello there, if you are willing to learn the "necessary" concepts you are good to go. I hope this is helpful.
< dhama> means first I have to learn the required statistical and mathematical concepts first then I will be able to understand the codes(libraries).
< zoq> dhama: I guess in some cases that is probably true in other cases you get the concept just by reading the code, so you could search through the codebase and see if you can find something that could be improved.
< zoq> dhama: might also be helpful, especially the part about patterns that are often used is probably interesting.
< dhama> Thanks for help I will soon start contributing to mlpack
< zoq> Great, let us know if you have any further questions.
< dhama> no sir currently I don't have further questions
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