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< sgupta1> rcurtin: okay I'll have a look.
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< sgupta> rcurtin: I gave read-write permission to all u,g,o and change the ownership of /usr directory to mlpack user. And, it seems to work fine.
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< rcurtin> sgupta: that seems like a little bit of a hack, I think instead you should investigate why boost isntalled with such weird permissions
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< rcurtin> lozhnikov: any chance you can send a link to the DVK-3M you found for sale for $250? I think I would like to use that data point as bargaining fodder :)
< lozhnikov> rcurtin: I found the advertisement here:
< rcurtin> ah, okay, thank you so much
< lozhnikov> and the seller accepts the suggestion in the last comment
< rcurtin> google translate is so much improved compared to ten years ago... full page translate now allows me to understand some of what is going on
< rcurtin> it used to be so bad, the translations you would get would be nonsense
< lozhnikov> yeah, they improved the quality significantly
< lozhnikov> rcurtin: I forgot to say that the starting price was ~450$
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< rcurtin> yeah, I saw that the original price was 26k rubles
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< sgupta> rcurtin: okay I'll look at it.
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< rcurtin> I did a quick calculation, if all the remaining benchmark jobs for shogun time out at 9000 seconds, assuming each only runs once, then the shogun benchmark will finish in about 5.5 days...
< zoq> hm, I guess if they time out anyway, there is no good reason to wait
< zoq> I guess, it makes sense to look into the issue and restart the benchmark later
< rcurtin> would you like to do that? I'm happy to wait a few more days
< rcurtin> but definitely if we wanted to kill it and look into the failures that is ok too
< rcurtin> there's no guarantee that the remaining jobs will fail---my estimation was only a worst-case guess (and it's only right if each method runs only once, which I think is the case)
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< zoq> Not sure I have the time to look into the issue today or tomorrow, so I don't mind to wait. On the other side if someone has time to look into it, I think there is no good reason to wait.
< zoq> I know, you are waiting for a restart.
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< rcurtin> yeah, but no hurry on that
< rcurtin> 5.5 days is fine with me, if it was a month I would do something about it :)
< zoq> okay :)
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