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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2463 (master - e983ed3 : Marcus Edel): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2464 (master - 2e22951 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< zoq> Looks like the travis notifications are back.
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< rcurtin> zoq: do you think we should set them so that they only notify IRC upon failure/
< rcurtin> &?
< rcurtin> **?
< rcurtin> can't hit the right key :)
< zoq> I think that's a good idea.
< rcurtin> sure, let me commit that change
< rcurtin> let's see if I did that right...
< zoq> I guess it's my turn to break the build :)
< rcurtin> ha
< rcurtin> I'm going to restart jenkins so that it can start/run docker commands, any objection?
< rcurtin> last time it was started with the user not part of the 'docker' group, I think it has to be restarted to update that
< zoq> sounds good, have you seen the disk space issue?
< rcurtin> free disk space looks ok for all executors, maybe the free temp space on masterblaster is a little low
< zoq> yeah, maybe that's the problem
< zoq> Excited to see a working docker setup.
< rcurtin> yeah, I see it is the tmpfs size, let me increase that
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< rcurtin> hmm, changing that will take a little while because I have to unmount /home... so Jenkins will necessarily go down for a little while
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< rcurtin> ok, done --- now / (and thus /tmp also) is ~160GB
< rcurtin> the sysadmin who originally built this system for me made an absurdly tiny /, like only 10GB or so
< rcurtin> I would have built it myself (with Debian not Ubuntu) but I wasn't given a choice...
< rcurtin> and jenkins can now properly start and stop Docker containers too
< rcurtin> I'll also start benchmarking jobs for individual libraries since the ANN job finished successfully and wrote results to the benchmark_temp db
< rcurtin> actually I'll only start 4 so I don't use all the benchmarking nodes :)
< zoq> nice, a lot of activity
< zoq> I agree debian might be the better choice, but only because the FreeBSD docker support is kinda experimental :)
< rcurtin> :)
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