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< kris> lozhnikov: I see the advantages for your method. Though please have look at the comments here
< kris> I think i would submit a pr by tommrow for Gibbs Sampling
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< sgupta1> Hi Ryan. I have made another image mlpack: dependencies. I run that inside a container and then build mlpack-2.2.0 inside it. Also, ran the mlpack_test and got output as "no errors detected". The container's name is admiring_darwin. You can do a "docker logs admiring_darwin" to see it all. Alternatively, I will run in this command in the Jenkins so you can look at the console output from there as well.
< sgupta1> Have a look at the jenkins-docker job's console output on Jenkins server.
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< kris1> Hi, lozhnikov were you able to look at the comment
< kris1> lozhnikov:
< rcurtin> sgupta: sounds good, I will take a look when I am not on a phone :)
< rcurtin> I think we shpuld put the Dockerfiles you are making in the jenkins-conf repository
< rcurtin> should*
< sgupta> On github?
< sgupta> Found it. Yes! This way people can see that yes I am doing something :)
< rcurtin> yeah and it also makes review / addition easier :)
< sgupta> Just let me know how to proceed with this? Should I send a PR? or what
< rcurtin> yeah a PR would be fine, I can review it later today
< sgupta> Okay. Sure.
< wiking> yoyoyo
< wiking> mlpack people
< wiking> what's the update frequency for
< wiking> ?
< wiking> rcurtin,
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< rcurtin> wiking: not very often... :(
< rcurtin> I am.running new benchmakrs now
< wiking> hehe
< wiking> do you know what is the shogun version that was used
< wiking> for the current numbers?
< rcurtin> hope to push new numbers soon
< rcurtin> not sure... 2.1.0?
< wiking> you install shogun with deb packages?
< wiking> or how do you take a shogun pkg?
< wiking> i mean lib?
< wiking> mmm
< wiking> rcurtin, i think you are using something that is 5.0.0 or later
< wiking> but then again i dont know what is on the website :P
< wiking> but then again
< wiking> :S
< wiking> 3.2.0 :D
< wiking> zoq, pingu
< wiking> zoq, bist du da?
< rcurtin> in transit now
< rcurtin> I will try and check when I get to where I am.going
< wiking> :>
< wiking> thnx heaps
< wiking> drive safely
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< zoq> once I get back, I can dig up the version
< zoq> probably 50 min
< rcurtin> wiking: I think you are right, maybe it is 3.2.0
< rcurtin> I don't have the system that I ran those benchmarks on anymore
< rcurtin> the new benchmarks will definitely run against 5.0.0
< rcurtin> ah I see now 6.0 is out
< rcurtin> so we can update and use that (the shogun benchmarks haven't started running yet)
< sgupta> Hi Ryan!. I just created a PR. :) yay!
< rcurtin> sweet, thank you
< rcurtin> I am debugging why a system keeps powering off during the night at my work, but once that is done (and maybe a few other things) I will take a look
< zoq> wiking: Shogun 4.1.0 ; there is an open issue to intergrate the version numbers, I think Dewang will fix this issue over the summer. Also, we have install scripts for each lib, maybe you can take a look at the shogun script? We will do our best to update all results over the summer maybe not only for the latest version.
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< shikhar> Hi everybody!
< shikhar> Working on integrating CTest with the existing tests, just noticed that 2 tests are excluded from the list of sources in CMakeLists.txt in the test folder
< shikhar> lstm_peephole_test.cpp and layer_traits_test.cpp
< shikhar> Is there some problem with these tests?
< rcurtin> looks like that might be an oversight, but I'm not sure---I didn't write those two
< shikhar> They were not listed by ./mlpack_test --list_content, I'll try running them now to see if they were failing
< zoq> shikhar: ah I know I missed some tests as I refactored the code
< zoq> shikhar: we can delete those two
< shikhar> Alright, great
< zoq> do you like to do it or should I?
< shikhar> I'll be creating a PR soon
< zoq> okay, great, thanks!
< kris1> zoq: were you able to look at my comments on the gist.
< zoq> kris1: yes, I left a comment, at least that's what I thought
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< zoq> maybe I don't get the idea behind creating the distribution inside GibbsSampler, so I think the user could pass the distribution if the default constructor isn't enough.
< wiking> zoq, oh i see
< wiking> yeah i saw the isntall script
< wiking> that looks fine
< wiking> the only thing it needs is bumping the version :)
< zoq> wiking: okay, that's easy
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< lozhnikov> kris1: yes, I saw your comment and I replied here
< kris1> Lozhnikov oh i see your point...... the inputs of say mean, variance for P(y|x) are coming from a layer previous to the gibbs sampling layer
< kris1> With that the user can use any distribution as long as the previous layer output's provides the parameters for the conditional distribution used in gibbs sampling
< kris1> Lozhnikov:
< lozhnikov> kris1: right
< kris1> okay just one more thing i, so in the case of sigmoid the hidden layers are sampled as follows h_i = sigmoid(W_i *x + b) but suppose i want to normal distribution h_i = N(Output1 of prev layer, Output of previous layer) so i would sample n(# of hidden units) times from this Normal distribution if the output > 0.5 then h_i =1 else 0
< kris1> is this interpretation correct
< kris1> or did you have somthing else in mind lozhnikov:
< lozhnikov> I think you have to pass 2*n variables (n for the mean and n for the diagonal variance) to the next layer (sampler)
< kris1> Hmmm okay, and Gibbs layer would be a base policy layer where we could implement several policy now how to combine the 2n variables for mean and variance
< kris1> lozhnikov:
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< lozhnikov> kris1: yes, the layer can be implemented like BaseLayer (methods/ann/layer/base_layer.hpp)
< kris1> Ohkkkay thanks for the help ... i will try to implement the base gibbs layer first and try to create some policies for the layer. For testing i think we could actually try to try to approximate some standard distribution. Whaat do you think ?
< lozhnikov> well, I think you could use functions from core/math/random. The implementation is straightforward so I don't think that the tests are needed for that.
< kris1> Ahh okay i will get to it then
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< rcurtin> chenzhe: my OS X setup is too built on top of MacPorts for me to reproduce your issue with homebrew...
< rcurtin> could I ask you to try to reproduce the situation again with my branch 'include-ordering'?
< chenzhe> rcurtin: yes, I reproduced it
< rcurtin> ok, did the changes in the include-ordering branch fix the issue?
< chenzhe> i just reproduced the make error with include-ordering branch
< rcurtin> hm, strange that the change did not fix it
< rcurtin> could I ask you to run 'VERBOSE=1 make' and put the output on pastebin or something so I can look through it?
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< chenzhe> I added to the same gist
< chenzhe> no, wait, it is not complete output
< rcurtin> yeah the verbose output is huge :)
< chenzhe> weird, i will email you the output file
< chenzhe> did you get it?
< rcurtin> yep, thank you
< rcurtin> ah, I may have misunderstood the BEFORE directive in CMake... can you try 'git pull' then clean, reconfigure, and rebuild?
< rcurtin> -I/Users/chenzhe/mlpack_tmp -I/usr/local/include -I/Users/chenzhe/mlpack_tmp/src/mlpack/.. -I/Users/chenzhe/mlpack_tmp/build/src/mlpack/..
< rcurtin> but the /usr/local/include should come after the /Users/chenzhe/mlpack_tmp/src/mlpack/..
< chenzhe> not solved...
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< rcurtin> hm, interesting, can I get the output now?
< rcurtin> with that output I can probably figure it out, but I don't think I have more time to look into it today :(
< rcurtin> thanks again for the help
< chenzhe> sure. I just sent it to you
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< rcurtin> chenzhe: willing to give it one more try? I think I got it this tine
< rcurtin> *time... :)
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< chenzhe> rcurtin: Yes, it finally works!!!
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< rcurtin> chenzhe: great, I will merge in the changes tomorrow then
< kris1> Where is the sigmoidLayer that i being used
< kris1> Which folder i mean
< kris1> it does not reside in ann/layer/
< kris1> Got it sorry
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