changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< sgupta> rcurtin: Hi! I have created a new job to test build mlpack inside the container. It ran successfully. I have commented the details in the PR.
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< sgupta> rcurtin: are you there?
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< rcurtin> sgupta: shouldn't you be able to use a Docker plugin to run the Jenkins job instead of having it all in an 'execute shell' script?
< rcurtin> I am not really available today, unfortunately, can only give a few quick comments
< sgupta> rcurtin: okay, I'll look for a good docker plugin
< sgupta> rcurtin: it's fine. We can have this conversation tomorrow.
< sgupta> rcurtin: or whenever you are available :)
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< rcurtin> sgupta: I won't be available today or tomorrow, you will have to investigate this one yourself and we can sync up Monday
< sgupta> rcurtin: sure. No problem :)
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