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< stephentu> naywhayare: interestingly enough i'm having a hard time getting mosek to converge for MVU
< stephentu> its a tricky sdp
< stephentu> i'm going to try the eta^T eta thingy
< stephentu> to see if it helps
< stephentu> naywhayare: ok i was able to get this
< stephentu> its neat MVU seems to understand the geometry of the swiss roll much better than laplacian eigenmaps :)
< stephentu> now how this is useful
< stephentu> i have no idea
< naywhayare> yeah, this meshes with my vague memory and deduction that MVU is computationally more costly but gives better results
< naywhayare> the ipython notebooks are a nice way to display the experiment
< naywhayare> if you're having trouble getting Mosek to converge then it's not much of a surprise that LRSDP won't either...
< stephentu> ya i love ipython notebooks
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< stephentu> naywhayare: you might find this paper interesting
< stephentu> we should implement some of this stuff :)
< stephentu> the proofs are kinda crazy they are saying that SGD with teh low rank factorization is optimization over some matrix manifold
< stephentu> the assertion of theorem 1 is confusing as hell
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< zoq> I'm curious wouldn't it make sense to disable the bounds checks (ARMA_NO_DEBUG) if we run benchmarks against other libraries?
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< naywhayare> zoq: when compiling with -DDEBUG=OFF it automatically adds -DARMA_NO_DEBUG: see CMakeLists.txt, line 45
< zoq> naywhayare: ah okay, Thanks!
< naywhayare> the only problem with doing that is that if there's bad code or if a user passes something that will cause it to crash, the program will usually just segfault
< naywhayare> although I guess for the most part, if the user passes a problematic dataset, then if there's a failure it'll usually be in some factorization
< naywhayare> which will still report a failure despite -DARMA_NO_DEBUG
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