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< stephentu> is there a way to only compile specific test cases?
< stephentu> say if i'm working on method X is there a way to avoid compiling all of mlpack to run just the test cases for feature X
< zoq> stephentu: If I remember right you can't just build a single test. But it doesn't matter, if you run 'make' you build your changes only; and the files that include the changes.
< zoq> If you like you can comment the tests you don't need -> #armadillo_svd_test.cpp
< zoq> Btw. If you have a multicore system, you might try a parallel make, i.e. 'make -j4 mlpack_test' (if you had four cores, for instance).
< stephentu> zoq: thanks
< stephentu> i've been doing make -j4 already, its mainly when i am switching between branches where i get hit the hardest
< stephentu> anyways, is there any interest in a lasso implementation in mlpack?