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< stephentu> naywhayare: oh its pretty cool
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< vlad_gl> naywhayare: hi! what do you think about this ? Do you like this idea? If so, I need to rewrite some of tests. :)
< vlad_gl> I look at , and i like this idea :) want to propose myself as GSoC student with it..:)
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< naywhayare> vlad_gl: hi there, I haven't had a chance to look into PR #410 yet
< naywhayare> also, stephentu would be the person to ask about the low-rank sparse optimization project :)
< vlad_gl> It's about use c++11 random instead of boost::random. In c++11 used random module from one of the boost versions, but this allows to be independent of the current boost version.
< vlad_gl> I just want to know, what do you think about this idea :)
< naywhayare> yeah, I think it's a good idea, I'll probably pull it in a day or two when I have time to go over it
< naywhayare> C++11 standard features are probably a better choice than Boost, when possible
< vlad_gl> ok. so, I need to fix some tests now :)
< stephentu> vlad_gl: ya the frank wolfe stuff is awesome
< stephentu> martin jaggi is pretty much a badass
< stephentu> that paper is pretty much his phd thesis stuffed into an icml paper
< stephentu> so its actually like 2 papers in 1
< vlad_gl> stephentu: great :) start to read it. then write a couple of words about this in mailing list. and introduce myself, heh :)
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< library_finder> Hi
< library_finder> I want to know if mlpack has code to learn decision trees to do binary classification?
< zoq> library_fin: Hello, unfortunately mlpack only comes with an implementation for a decision stumps (single level decision trees).
< library_finder> I see. Thank you. Would you have any recommendations for C++ libraries that implement decision tree classifiers?
< stephentu> shogun might?
< zoq> hm, maybe scala works for you too? :)
< stephentu> brushfire is pretty cool
< stephentu> is there any reason we dont have an implementation?
< stephentu> i think there has been some interest before of implementing it
< library_finder> ooh. is it easy to call scala code from C++?
< zoq> stephentu: yeah, mainly lack of time ...
< zoq> library_fin: It isn't that simple scala generates primarily JVM bytecode.
< stephentu> library_finder: the other direction is much easier
< library_finder> i see, thanks. doesn't look like shogun has a DT classifier..
< stephentu> zoq: ya that seems to be the primary issue :)
< library_finder> has anyone used mlpack?
< library_finder> sorry, that doesn't have a decision tree classifier either..
< library_finder> the only one I've found so far is openCV, but that is a vision library..
< stephentu> library_finder: most people using DT classifiers in industry are probably just using sklearn
< stephentu> so the C++ support is probably lacking
< stephentu> evne if you find a library, it probably is buggy
< zoq> library_fin: If I remember right, Parijat (shogun) implemented some fundamental algorithms (e.g decision trees) last year during the sommer of code.
< library_finder> does sklearn have C++ bindings?
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