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< stephentu> naywhayare: to be honest i did try messing around w/ LRSDP parameters hoping to achieve the same result
< stephentu> naywhayare: i wasn't very successful. i didn't try exhaustively grid searching LRSDP params, but whose gonna do that?
< stephentu> naywhayare: my metric for success was, could I use the same parameters that I did in my python implementations using scipy's L-BFGS
< stephentu> and to do that i needed to add those checks in LineSearch
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< karthikabinav> Hi, I have been trying to work around with the code to understand it better before I make some contributions. I want to know whats the best way to setup up a testing environment.
< karthikabinav> Right now, I make changes and test by following the same steps as installing mlpack(!!). This looks like a wrong approach to me. I would appreciate if someone could guide me
< stephentu> ./bin/mlpack_test?
< karthikabinav> you mean, I run the corresponding code in the /tests folder of mlpack src ?
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