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< naywhayare> stephentu: what's his lack of belief stem from? the lack of scalability?
< naywhayare> technically you could see choosing a kernel correctly as manifold learning, if it manages to map the non-linearly-separable points into a kind-of-linearly-separable set of points in the kernel space
< stephentu> naywhayare: i think he thinks that the manifold assumption is not correct--
< stephentu> but i sort of agree with your point of view
< stephentu> like if you were to learn a manifold
< stephentu> and then run a say gaussian kernel
< naywhayare> I wouldn't be surprised if the manifold assumption isn't always right
< stephentu> it seems quite redundant
< naywhayare> but it only needs to be approximately right :)
< stephentu> what i dont understand is
< stephentu> why did it die down
< stephentu> like does it not work well in practice
< stephentu> did neural nets take over everything
< naywhayare> manifold learning? it died because you can't apply it to more than like 10k points
< stephentu> ah
< stephentu> so scalability
< stephentu> kind of like sdps
< stephentu> haha
< stephentu> why do i always like things that dont scale
< naywhayare> well, I think there is a solution out there somewhere :)
< naywhayare> but I mean, scalability has (kind of) been achieved for kernel methods
< stephentu> how so?
< naywhayare> embeddings, for instance
< naywhayare> Nystroem approximations (sample your input points)
< stephentu> do these techniques not work for manifold learning
< naywhayare> sampling often doesn't work for manifold learning because of the lack of out-of-sample extensions
< naywhayare> so if I put in new points, it's sometimes difficult (depending on the method) to map it to the unfolded manifold or whatever
< naywhayare> there is a paper that suggests how this can be done, but I don't remember the exact details
< stephentu> i see
< stephentu> the fact that you arent really learning an f
< stephentu> but just mapping hte point sin 1:1
< stephentu> interesting
< stephentu> question: how were you going ot use MVU in yoru research
< naywhayare> at the time, I wasn't sure what I wanted my research to be
< stephentu> ah, so i'm like you 3 years ago now
< stephentu> lol
< stephentu> any advice
< naywhayare> 5 years :(
< naywhayare> :)
< naywhayare> my advice is just to find something that you enjoy
< naywhayare> performing a random walk through the field until you find something sufficiently interesting is a good way to do it, in my opinion
< naywhayare> you get good breadth like that
< stephentu> haha thats pretty much been what i'm doing
< naywhayare> anyway, one of my interests was to find out how to scale nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques
< naywhayare> but after failing to get LRSDP+MVU working I kind of moved different ways, because I simultaneously noticed some improvements and nice abstractions for problems like nearest neighbor search
< naywhayare> it kind of snowballed from there, and then suddenly I had more ideas than time...
< stephentu> cool
< stephentu> in his papers I think he says he uses some variant of LRSDP
< stephentu> i guess he had some magic sauce?
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< naywhayare> I have his old code
< naywhayare> it's incomprehensible
< naywhayare> it's actually in the git history if you dig far enough, under like u/nvasil/mvu/ or something like that
< naywhayare> anyway, I think that maybe he got it to converge for one particular set of parameters once
< naywhayare> I don't think the results are bullshit but I think, as you've noticed, that LRSDP is so finicky and not well understood that it's basically unreproducible without the magical set of parameters and penalty schedule
< naywhayare> I never got his original code to converge either...
< naywhayare> at the same time, it wasn't documented at all, so I may have been just using it wrong
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< vedhu63w> Hi! Does mlpack contain test data on which i could probably check the results of the algorithms
< stephent1> vedhu63w: not like sklearn has
< stephent1> vedhu63w: i assume you're looking for something like MNIST
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< vedhu63w> or maybe the one that developer uses for testing?
< stephent1> for testing, each module typically has a suite of test cases
< stephent1> and those typically have toy datasets
< stephent1> you can see in the tests folder if you are curious
< vedhu63w> ohh! thanks
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< babel42> hello
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< zoq> babel42: Hello!
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< babel42> Hi zoq. I'm interested in participating in gSoC'15 can you help me get started?
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< zoq> babel42: The best way to get started is to download mlpack and compile it from source, then use it for some simple machine learning tasks. The tutorials might prove helpful:
< zoq> Once you've got a basic feel for mlpack programs and source, you can take a look at the list of open tickets you might find something interesting:
< zoq> Most of them are marked with a difficulty, so that might help you figure out some issues that you can handle. We are always interested in new algorithms so if you interested in some special field I think we can figure something out.
< zoq> Also, be aware that Google hasn't selected orgs yet. We've participated in the past years, but this is no guarantee they'll select us again.
< babel42> I like ML and am doing a course o it this semester, so It thought this would be good practice
< zoq> Yeah, It's a great opportunity.
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< stephentu> naywhaya1e: ever thought of using travis CI for builds?
< stephentu> then we can hook up each PR
< stephentu> to see if the tests pass
< naywhaya1e> stephentu: thought of it, yes, had time to set it up, no :(
< naywhaya1e> definitely a good idea to test each PR
< stephentu> naywhayare: i have had some experience w/ travis CI
< stephentu> i can take a stab at it
< naywhayare> sure, feel free :)
< naywhayare> do you need any permissions or anything?
< stephentu> naywhayare: we'll see
< stephentu> i'll ping you
< stephentu> naywhayare: but alas, today i must do a pset
< stephentu> haha
< stephentu> time to do some maths
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