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< stephentu> billLiu: for numerical stability i think the better thing to do is have Probability() be LogProbability() and then do a logsumexp at the end
< billLiu> Yes, of course. And I think it is very basic to use logProbability instead of probability.
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< danny474> hii...i started some work on MLP....i guess zoq has recently added some code on them as well.
< danny474> where can i see the latest updates?
< zoq> danny474: Hello, recently we moved to github:
< danny474> wokay.
< danny474> wat all have u added?
< zoq> Right now there isn't any code to create an mlp out of the box it needs some extra glue code to stitch everything together. I will add the code needed, in the next days. However, the code already committed allows to create a bunch of different networks, including feed forward neural networks (mlp) and recurrent neural networks with a bunch of layers (sigmoid, tanh, linear, sign, rectifier, LSTM).
< zoq> You can also specify the method to initialize the weights and choose between different optimizer to update the weights.
< danny474> ohh okay thats good.
< danny474> i wanted to work on them. so just asked.
< zoq> on mlp's?
< danny474> i started on it today.
< danny474> but uve done a lot more. ill look into the new commits youve added tomorrow
< danny474> is there anything i can help with?
< zoq> oh, great, there is still a lot of work to do. If you are interested I think we can find something you can work on. E.g the plan is to integrate dropout and dropconnect.
< danny474> great.
< zoq> I'm also planning to implement another method to initialize the weights.
< danny474> wic one ?
< danny474> If you have something i can look into, please let me know.
< zoq> The plan is to train a deep belief network and to use the the unfolded weights for a feedforward network. Another idea is to implement a method by Andrew Saxe which uses svd and qr.
< zoq> Here is an interesting discussion about different methods:
< danny474> okay. also we have a autoencoder, for stacked ones we'll need the mlp/feedforward
< danny474> great. ill look it up.
< zoq> If you are interested the paper that describes the method:
< zoq> Don't feel obligated ... there is so much more that can be done
< danny474> definitely :)
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