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< stephentu> naywhayare: have you had a chance to look @ the matrix completion API
< naywhayare> I've been plodding through the paper today in order to understand the problem a bit better
< naywhayare> the recht/fazel/parrilo paper
< naywhayare> I'm not spending the time to verify the proofs or anything, just understand the nuances of the problem and algorithm a bit better
< naywhayare> it seems like maybe we can drop this in place into the collaborative filtering model in order to do LRMA? I'll have to look at the code and think about it a bit more
< naywhayare> but I am putting time into this today, so you can expect a response shortly :)
< stephentu> yay
< stephentu> what is LRMA
< naywhayare> low-rank matrix approximation
< naywhayare> perhaps that isn't the right term to use
< stephentu> ah i see
< stephentu> ya the nuclear norm minimization stuff is pretty general as long as you have a linear constraint
< stephentu> i pulled out matrix completion since its an interesting special case
< stephentu> anyways i'm working on an interior point solver now... might be fun to have for high accuracy solutions :)
< stephentu> i'm honestly just curious how much a straightforward implementation differs from these closed source commerical packages
< stephentu> in terms of performance
< naywhayare> are you able to compare them?
< naywhayare> maybe your lab has a copy or something?
< stephentu> oh ya
< stephentu> i have a copy of mosek
< naywhayare> ah, that's right, that's what you've been comparing with
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< naywhayare> stephentu: any of the comments I make are discussion points and not necessarily "you must do this", so feel free to discuss if you have differing opinions on anything I write :)
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< stephentu> naywhayare: ya i wrote a few comments back
< stephentu> thansk for the comments though, i agree with most of it and i like the idea of putting it into CF
< stephentu> but i'll have to study taht code a little bit to see if it makes sense
< stephentu> and yes, being able to drop in an SDP solver is my goal before the semester starts
< stephentu> so hopefully we'll have that in a few weeks
< naywhayare> wow, your semester hasn't started yet?
< stephentu> stephentu: nope it starts late
< naywhayare> ah, nice
< stephentu> around MLK day
< naywhayare> the semester started here this week, but semesters don't really matter to me anymore since I'm done with classes...
< naywhayare> just research all the time...
< stephentu> ya i'm not quite there yet, trying to take 3 this semester
< naywhayare> my first semester of graduate school I thought it would be a good idea to take 15 hours (5 classes)
< stephentu> ya no
< naywhayare> I learned that it was indeed NOT a good idea
< stephentu> lol
< stephentu> 2-3 is a reasonable # i think
< naywhayare> yeah, I would agree with that
< stephentu> theres just too much maths to learn
< naywhayare> it's true
< naywhayare> anyway, I have to move on to other things for now
< naywhayare> whenever you're happy enough with the changes I'll go ahead and pull them in
< naywhayare> it can always be changed later
< naywhayare> (or, at least, until a release, after which point we should think about maintaining a stable API :))
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