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< karthikabinav> Hi, is there an API for doing a SVM? Or do you have an convex program solver and I need to invoke the SVM convex program with that code ? I went through the API documentation and code and couldnt find either one.
< stephentu> karthikabinav: there's currently no api for doing SVM directly
< stephentu> you could run SGD on the hinge loss function with a regularizer
< stephentu> i'm hoping to get a general convex ERM module in at some point in the future
< karthikabinav> ok thanks ! I have been dabbling around with this code trying to see if I can make some contribution. This is when I figured there didnt seem to be a direct API for SVM. I was wondering if working on an implementation of it is a concrete place to start off?
< karthikabinav> I havent still thought through the details. But do you see any immediate challenges ?
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< DivanshuJain> hi i am a new developer and would like to contribute
< DivanshuJain> i have experience in C++ ... can i get some guidance on how i should start ?
< zoq> DivanshuJai: Hello, the best way to get started is to download mlpack and compile it from source, then use it for some simple machine learning tasks.
< zoq> The tutorials might prove helpful:
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< zoq> Once you've got a basic feel for mlpack programs and source, you can take a look at the list of open tickets you might find something interesting:
< zoq> Most of them are marked with a difficulty, so that might help you figure out some issues that you can handle. We are always interested in new algorithms so if you interested in some special field I think we can figure something out.
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< stephentu> naywhayare: i started looking at this MVU stuff
< stephentu> i think i want to try to get our sdp solvers to work on it
< stephentu> do you have any code to generate test manifolds?
< stephentu> or like old test cases for mvu
< naywhayare> I had a swiss roll csv
< naywhayare> let me see if I can find it real quick
< naywhayare> I put a couple in there
< naywhayare> 2_class_swiss_roll*.csv
< naywhayare> swiss_roll*.csv
< stephentu> thanks man
< naywhayare> if I remember right, if MVU works, then you should be able to unroll the swiss roll and then use a linear classifier (maybe Perceptron) to achieve perfect accuracy
< naywhayare> LinearRegression could work too
< stephentu> i think you sparked an interest in me
< naywhayare> I'll have a response about the philosophy of error handling in mlpack later today; I want to do some thinking first
< stephentu> for manifold learning
< naywhayare> :)
< stephentu> it seems really cool
< naywhayare> in my view manifold learning is still wide open; there aren't many scalable solutions
< stephentu> and if i can tie it with sdps
< stephentu> even better
< naywhayare> I haven't visited it in a few years
< naywhayare> anyway, I have to run to the store... I'll be back later
< stephentu> ya ben doesnt relaly believe in manifold learning but thats another story
< stephentu> alright peace
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