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< jagsxi> Hi
< jagsxi> I need some help
< jagsxi> can anyone help me please?
< jagsxi> anyone?
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< jagsxi> I am a newbie in Open Source. I have been programming since 2 years now(C++) and just got interested in Open Source development. Now browsing through all the pages, I found mlpack and though I yet don't knw much about open source, i have a feeling that I can contribute to mlpack. In the past 2 years i have mainly done Competitive programming and therefore have a deep knowledge of algorithms and Data Structures.
< jagsxi> Can anyone help me speed up and be compatible enough to start contributing to mlpack?
< jagsxi> Where should I be starting, and how to begin with writing my first line of code for mlpack?
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islamfaisal is now known as decltype_me
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