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< stephentu_> naywhayare: i'm wondering if theres any way to acclerate the
< stephentu_> $ make -j4
< stephentu_> $ // edit, make changes
< stephentu_> $ make -j4
< stephentu_> cycle
< stephentu_> it seems that cmake takes a long time to even get started
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< naywhayare> try 'make -j4 mlpack_test', that should accelerate things a bit
< stephentu_> ok thanks
< naywhayare> assuming that mlpack_test is what you want
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< SinisterMJ> Hey, I've got a question regarding Machine Learning for Neural Networks. If I have labeled data, and I want to create a Neural Network, what class would I use there? I am kind of lost with the different namespaces and confused what is what. Only reference to Neural Networks I found is the AutoSparseEncoder, but from what I understand it is for unlabeled data only.
< naywhayare> hey SinisterMJ, you might want to check out the latest code from github and take a look at what zoq has been working on in src/mlpack/methods/ann/
< naywhayare> there's no support for neural networks other than the sparse autoencoder Siddharth Agrawal wrote in mlpack 1.0.12 or before
< SinisterMJ> Uuuh, does that stuff work on Visual Studio 2012 / 2013?
< SinisterMJ> I currently am using 2012, and at some point in October the SVN trunk wasnt working anymore due to C++11 issues
< SinisterMJ> I haven't tested with 2013 yet
< naywhayare> I *think* 2013 works
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< naywhayare> stephentu: trying to get this build server issue worked out, but it's a funky problem with the switch all of those systems are hooked into, which I don't have admin rights on (so I have to wait on the networking folks to work it out)
< naywhayare> I have this feeling that I'm going to have to disassemble the big stack of computers to work this out...
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