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< stephentu_> naywhayare: do the mlpack builds always fail?
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< naywhayare> stephentu: oops, didn't realize you were still in the channel, so I guess I didn't need to respond to your message via email :)
< naywhayare> I'll get the matrix build fixed tomorrow...
< naywhayare> unless I discover the NFS server holding the armadillo versions ate its hard drive or something, which it probably did
< stephentu> naywhayare: its cool
< stephentu> naywhayare: fyi my goal is to get the predictor-corrector optimziation implemented tonight
< stephentu> for the IP method
< stephentu> then address the api issues
< stephentu> tomorrow
< stephentu> also its my irc fail i had two handles
< stephentu> one in the lab and one at home
< stephentu> i shoudl figure a better way to do irc
< naywhayare> :)
< naywhayare> I have an always-up host that I run GNU screen on and irssi inside of
< naywhayare> well, "mostly-always-up"
< naywhayare> the modified GaussianDistribution code looks great; thanks for taking the time to do that
< naywhayare> tomorrow (hopefully? maybe Thursday) I'll find some time to transition the other distributions to the same API
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< stephentu> naywhayare: everytime i think i know c++
< stephentu> it turns out i really dont
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< stephentu_> naywhayare: is there any support for sp_vec?
< stephentu_> or just use an sp_mat with one column
< stephentu_> seems like reading the doc it should just be the latter
< naywhayare> stephentu_: I thought sp_vec worked just fine
< naywhayare> should be typedeffed to be SpCol<double>
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< stephentu_> naywhayare: ok, i just read the docs, so maybe the docs can be updated
< naywhayare> stephentu_: okay, I'll put that on my list
< naywhayare> I'm honestly not the biggest fan of the way Armadillo does documentation
< naywhayare> it's nice for users who have simple needs and are doing simple things
< naywhayare> but for anyone who actually wants to know what's going on under the hood and make sure that their code is being optimized the way they expect, one basically has to dive into the code
< naywhayare> and it gets pretty ugly pretty fast...
< stephentu_> naywhayare: ya i agree, i ahve a clone of armadillo sitting on my machine but my desire to look through it is very little
< stephentu_> although its cool how you guys manage to defer execution sometimes
< stephentu_> by using these glue types
< naywhayare> yeah, it's a really neat design
< naywhayare> in the Old Days he used to maintain Doxygen documentation too and make that available
< naywhayare> as well as the simpler documentation available now on the website
< naywhayare> but now if you want to know what's going on under the hood, there's not good documentation
< naywhayare> honestly I think Armadillo needs a full-time person devoted to maintenance and cleanup... the primary maintainer is also publishing papers and doing research, so there's not much motivation to clean up the code
< naywhayare> and I certainly don't have any time
< stephentu_> i wonder how eigen does it
< stephentu_> they have pretty good documentation
< naywhayare> it's the same type of approach
< naywhayare> I dislike Eigen because of its interface's complexity... it's all documented but the learning curve is quite steep
< stephentu_> naywhayare: how long do builds take for you
< naywhayare> depends on the system and what I'm building. usually a 'make -j4 mlpack_test' on my work desktop will take 3-4 minutes
< naywhayare> I think it would be nice to make the build faster, but I don't think it can be made instantaneous because it's C, not C++