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< ashishtilokani> Hi...Can someone tell me how use the cpp files in the test folder?
< ashishtilokani> Thanx in advance
< ashishtilokani> g++ -I/usr/include/libxml2/ load_save_test.cpp -L/path/to/build/lib/ -lmlpack
< ashishtilokani> Currently I am using the above command and I am getting the following error after a few seconds: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
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< naywhayare> Hi ashishtilokani, don't compile those files individually
< naywhayare> use cmake to compile mlpack_test
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< ashishtilokani> when using make I get libxml/parser error
< naywhayare> that's not very helpful. can you paste the actual error messages?
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< ashishtilokani_> usr/local/include/mlpack/core/util/save_restore_utility.hpp:34:27: fatal error: libxml/parser.h: No such file or directory #include <libxml/parser.h>
< naywhayare> how are you building mlpack?
< naywhayare> you haven't told me what you are trying to do
< naywhayare> are you building mlpack, or are you building a program that links against mlpack, or what?
< ashishtilokani_> mlpack_test
< ashishtilokani_> trying to use it
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< ashishtilokani_> when you told me not to individually compile test files like load_save_test
< naywhayare> yes, but how are you compiling mlpack_test?
< naywhayare> what are you typing on the command-line?
< ashishtilokani_> cmake
< ashishtilokani_> cmake test
< ashishtilokani_> actually cmake tests
< ashishtilokani_> mlpack-1.0.11/src/mlpack
< ashishtilokani_> when in the above directory
< naywhayare> I think you've configured CMake incorrectly. I think it's probably best to start over and follow this tutorial:
< ashishtilokani_> ok
< ashishtilokani_> I will try again...thnx
< naywhayare> sure, I hope that is helpful. if you have a problem with the tutorial, I'm happy to help
< ashishtilokani_> The problem is every executable is running except mlpack_test
< ashishtilokani_> lets see if the problem is fixed after make is executed again
< ashishtilokani_> I tried again..but trying to run mlpack_test gives- mlpack_test:: command not found
< ashishtilokani_> no error was shown while building
< ashishtilokani_> though when installing... Installing: /usr/local/bin/sparse_coding -- Removed runtime path from "/usr/local/bin/sparse_coding"
< ashishtilokani_> this statement is shown for all .exe except mlpack_test
< ashishtilokani_> If you know the problem..please reply here.. and I will go through the IRC logs tomorrow..thanks
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< naywhayare> you don't need to install it to test it... you can type 'bin/mlpack_test' from the build directory
< naywhayare> or you can set your PATH variable so that /usr/local/bin/ is included: PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/"
< naywhayare> sorry, that's incorrect... as you pointed out, mlpack_test is not installed
< naywhayare> so just run it from the build directory: bin/mlpack_test