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< naywhayare> zoq: shit, I left town
< naywhayare> I'll see if Ryan Birmingham will do it...
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< stephentu> naywhayare: more go kart racing?
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< naywhayare> stephentu: not karting this weekend, we're driving a 1930 Model A around a rural north carolina town
< naywhayare> we got it to fire up tonight, so hopefully tomorrow we can put a lot of miles on it
< naywhayare> once we build up some confidence that we can keep it running reliably, we can road trip it again :)
< naywhayare> also, I am glad that you like the Armadillo sparse support :)
< naywhayare> it needs some more work to be complete, and then I think an eventual overhaul of all the armadillo code is necessary so that sparse matrices are fully interchangeable with dense ones
< naywhayare> but that's a huge amount of work, and I don't have time for it, and I'm actually not sure that Conrad is interested in that either...
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< decltypeme> Do you think ensemble methods is a good candidate for GSoC?
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< stephentu> decltypeme: can you elaborate a bit more?
< stephentu> looking at the code we have an adaboost implementation
< stephentu> are you thinking like random forests?
< decltypeme> Yes, like random forests, multiple classifier systems vote and fusion techniques ... etc
< stephentu> it seems reasonably scoped
< stephentu> i think for gsoc its important to have a mentor in mind?
< decltypeme> Not sure actually about who may mentor this; I want to participate as a student
< stephentu> decltypeme: have you seen teh gsoc page btw?
< stephentu> for mlpack
< stephentu> so i'll be honest i know very little about ensemble methods other than like the cursory 1-2 lectures from an intro ML course
< stephentu> maybe ryan is more knowledgable about this area
< decltypeme> I saw it; There are also other interesting projects for me :)
< stephentu> having said that, its more important to me that the students be excited
< stephentu> and motivated
< stephentu> ideally students woudl be motivated and excited about the same projects the mentors are :)
< decltypeme> Good point :))
< stephentu> but then again random forests are like the most commonly used thing
< stephentu> in industry
< stephentu> so it certainly woudlnt hurt
< stephentu> i recommend you check out this library
< stephentu> i think its api is neat
< decltypeme> will have a look
< stephentu> they've sort of done some neat stuff at the type system level
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