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< nearffxx> hi guys
< nearffxx> does anyone know how to do stochastic gradient descent on armadillo with a user rating matrix?
< nearffxx> guys i know you are busy but i just need a hint :)
< zoq> nearffxx: I'm not sure what you mean, there is no direct way to perform stochastic gradient descent on an armadillo matrix, maybe you can explain what you mean more?
< nearffxx> first of all i need to load a triplet
< nearffxx> a csv file containing userID iteamID rating
< nearffxx> like the movielens one
< nearffxx> and then i have to do sgd on the matrix i think
< nearffxx> i mean i have to implement
< nearffxx> what it's most efficient way to do that?
< nearffxx> since i would need a sparse matrix
< zoq> You installed mlpack or armadillo only?
< nearffxx> i installed armadillo lapack blast
< nearffxx> how can i integrate mlpack?
< nearffxx> can i do apt-get install mlpack?
< zoq> Maybe 'apt-cache search mlpack' ... You need to install libmlpack-dev.
< nearffxx> ok and then?
< zoq> You can load your data with something like:
< zoq> arma::mat referenceData;
< zoq> std::string fileName = "..."
< zoq> data::Load(fileName, referenceData);
< nearffxx> that easy?
< nearffxx> oO
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denny_ is now known as Guest37385
< Guest37385> zoq are you still here?
< Guest37385> in short i have to convert a code to use mlpack and armadillo
< Guest37385> i dont really know where should i start
< zoq> I've looked at the code, I'm not sure if I can tell you where to start, but maybe a good start is to use arma::vec and arma::mat instead of the allocated memroy structeres like: "userFeature = new double[maxUidP1][nFEATURE];".
< Guest37385> yup
< Guest37385> and what about the RatingList?
< Guest37385> should i convert to a sparse matrix?
< zoq> I think that should work.
< Guest37385> ok ty
< Guest37385> oh, is it normal to have this error on eclise? /usr/local/include/mlpack/core/util/save_restore_utility.hpp:34:27: fatal error: libxml/parser.h: No such file or directory #include <libxml/parser.h>
< zoq> You need to link against -lxml2.
< Guest37385> how can i add xml2 with eclipse?
< Guest37385> or should i change the makefile?
< zoq> The makefile of your project? I think in eclipse there should be an option to add linker options. In the project properties or something like that.
< Guest37385> ok
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