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<tmlind> freemangordon: yup making them serdev_device_drivers would clarify things quite a bit
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<freemangordon> tmlind: ok, I think I am sorting this out. What I don;t understand is why tty/serdev (no ngsm, ordinary stuff) are allocating serdev controller per port. we shall have only one, right, not one per serdev device?
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<dsc__> hmm yes, I can see how this vkb Qt stuff was a bit complicated xD
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<dsc__> there are 2 issues I have right now with the vkb Qt module
<dsc__> him vkb is misbehaving by stealing focus, its not how virtual keyboards should work, am pretty sure
<dsc__> the other is interpreting incoming xcb events
<Wizzup> how does it 'steal' focus, by bringing up the keyboard?
<dsc__> yeah, I'm not sure what mechanism takes the focus
<dsc__> this poor Nokia engineer had the same issue
<dsc__> dont think I can replicate his hack due to changes in Qt
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<dsc__> but I can certainly write a different hack ^^
<dsc__> cant use hideInputPanel() because it triggers as soon as focus is stolen
<freemangordon> dsc__: I am not sure this is really a bug, as you can have 2 types of VKB
<freemangordon> like, the one in android (for example) is not fullscreen, so it shoudl not steal the focus
<freemangordon> however, HIM VKB *is* fullscreen, with its own edit field
<freemangordon> so, it makes all the sense for it to steal the focus
<freemangordon> also, VKB already hides itself when clicked outside, there is no need for you to hide it once again
<freemangordon> I can bet hideInputPanel() is for cases when VKB behaves like android one
<dsc__> oki makes sense
<freemangordon> maybe, just maybe VKB shall take care to return the same focus as before stealing
<dsc__> this is quite awkward though, as vkb sends Qt events, and nothing is in focus, so first need to ensure the widget is in focus again
<dsc__> at which point a focus event triggers, but vkb is already opened, etc
<dsc__> as vkb sends events to Qt*
<freemangordon> wait, why would vkb send qt events before it is closed?
<dsc__> this was my understanding, but maybe I am misinterpreting how it works
<freemangordon> the whole point (iiuc) is to do whatever has to be done in vkb edit field and return the end result to qt
<dsc__> makes sense
<freemangordon> you should not send any keys or whatever to qt before vkb is done, unless I am missing somethoing
<freemangordon> Wizzup: ^^^
<dsc__> well the reason why I think that
<dsc__> sec
* freemangordon has to go to do some shopping, bbl in 15 minutes
<dsc__> it goes to here:
<dsc__> which does hildon_im_ui_send_event()
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<dsc__> this event goes through the underlying application, so it seems it does send events while the vkb is active
<dsc__> goes to the*
<dsc__> cant type anymore :D
<dsc__> and also, it would make sense for vkb to constantly emit these events as its not just keys, it also needs to communicate key modifiers and such - it would be strange to send those in bulk at the end of the vkb operation... maybe
<dsc__> bbl
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<freemangordon> dsc__: seems to depend on commit mode
<freemangordon> also, this sends event to him framework
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<freemangordon> I guess this is done to enable plugin to filter some keys or dunno
<freemangordon> or, could be related to word prediction
<freemangordon> tmlind: oh, there is a comment in the code "/* Only a single slave device is currently supported. */". that explains it why we have a controller per port
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<tmlind> freemangordon: oh ok
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<freemangordon> I am about to test something, just wonder how would DTS for child nodes should look like
<tmlind> reg = <1> for dlci1
<tmlind> channel@1 { reg = <1>; );
<freemangordon> who is going to read that? current cares about compatible only
<freemangordon> but anyway, lets get to that
<freemangordon> tmlind: getting there :D
<tmlind> ok great
<freemangordon> not really, is I don;t see why it would error, but meh
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<freemangordon> tmlind: ok, of_serdev_register_devices() is doing for_each_available_child_of_node()
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<freemangordon> tmlind: getting there :)
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<freemangordon> tmlind: YAY!
<freemangordon> using serdev
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<inky> also him rotates the screen when whitespace is pressed
<inky> i have to disable him to prevent that.
<inky> it happens with all onscreen keyboards.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: sweet :)
<sicelo> inky: just tried on my droid 4, from both landscape and portrait orientations. no such problem. or what are the specific steps to reproduce?
<inky> install any onscreen x11 keyboard
<inky> remember diejuse?
<sicelo> you said him
<inky> he had exactly the same issue with bboard or something
<inky> yes when you use any x11 onscreen keyboard and press whitespace
<inky> him rotates the screen
<inky> the only way to prevent it and use x11 onscreen keyboard in disabling him from startup
<sicelo> you mean *both* him *and* the additional keyboard become active at the same time?
<inky> yes
<inky> well no
<inky> vkb is not visible
<inky> just your arbitrary onscreen keyboard
<inky> you press whitespace and screen rotates
<sicelo> so where is him when the additional vkb is there? how do you know him rotates the screen if it's not even there?
<inky> i disable him, reboot, and no probrem. without him service running everythiwg works good.
<inky> > so where is him when the additional vkb is there? how do you know him rotates the screen if it's not even there?
<inky> because if i remove him then screen does not rotate
<sicelo> anyway, i think leste is not planning to change keyboards anytime soon
<inky> well i am not using vkb or him because of that.
<inky> every time i install leste on a device first hhing to bring it to usable state is to disable him and use other onscreen keyboard.
<sicelo> what the problem with him?
<inky> i dont know where to start
<sicelo> nearly no one has reported problems :-)
<mkf> inky how many devices do you have running leste
<sicelo> and thousands have used it on Fremantle without problems either. i think everyone agrees that it has its flaws, but that device is unusable...
<inky> i complained here and everywhere so many times. thet i helped uvos to create a header file that partially solved some problems
<inky> ok let me come to the computer and explain
<inky> sicelo, you don't notice the problems because you:
<inky> * use hardware keyboard
<inky> * don't use non latin characters.
<inky> now imagine you use pinephone.
<inky> or anything without hardware keyboard.
<inky> this commit mentions me.
<inky> since that it is possible to type in lets say regular xterm (not osso xterm)
<inky> but
<inky> * only if you can trigger the keyboard and
<inky> * only if you can switch the layout which requires typing setxkbmap by hand in other terminal.
<inky> on pinephone you cannot trigger the keyboard by pressing a hardware button like "search" button on d4.
<inky> so no way to type almost everywhere.
<inky> i can use leafpad, type there, but then no way to select and copy paste to other place.
<inky> you have no hwkbd to do ctrl+c
<inky> you just can type in leafpad
<inky> in any other regular linux app you need to be able to trigger keyboard, it needs to appear so that you would typee
<inky> but you have no hardwarke key to trigger it. and if you tap it won't come, because it only comes if you tap on gtk2-3, not everywhere.
<sicelo> i guess this - 23:18 < inky> * don't use non latin characters. ...
<inky> but in gtk2, lets say in leafpad you cannot then select the text and then copy paste it to other place, no ctrl+c
<inky> other problem is that in order to type non latin, you have to write by hand setxkbmap in osso-xterm
<sicelo> hardware keyboard aint it, because we do use it with keyboard closed, and Librem5 does not have hardware keyboard. i didn't have a problem on it either
<inky> then only in other place non latin will work. if you able to trigger keyboard which you cannot do because you have no hardware key mapped.
<inky> how do you trigger keyboard on librem5?
<inky> is there a hardware button for it?
<sicelo> it just pops up when input field is focused
<inky> in which browser?
<sicelo> i didn't test browsers
<inky> you cannot write anything in any browser
<inky> and you cannot copy paste to the browser input field.
<inky> so blogging is out of question. using webmail is out of question. web anything.
* sicelo doesn't use Qt if he can help it ... and yes, does recall that the leste browser is Qt
<sicelo> but the Qt problem is already being worked on ... so that's soon not going to be a problem either, i believe
<inky> it's not a qt problem. if you want to tap in firefox, it's not qt
<inky> tap in the address bar, it doesnt bring you the keyboard.
<freemangordon> inky: browsers do not bring vkb up because they don;t follow the standards
<inky> well i use other keyboard, i solved my problems.
<freemangordon> it is really browser issue, not leste or vkb
<freemangordon> sure
<inky> but other users cannot solve them.
<freemangordon> still, it makes sense someone to raise bugs against browsers
<inky> i think the best thing i can do for others is to package the keyboard i use and explain how to use it in the wiki
<inky> and also then my package i guess should disable him. and uninstalling it should enable him back.
<inky> it's not only browsers. xterm also doesnt feel the tap.
<freemangordon> no way
<inky> not osso xterm. regular one.
<freemangordon> ah, xterm
<inky> yes.
<freemangordon> anyway, I am not going to argue that HIM is the best option around
<inky> freemangordon: i am extremely thankful to you for all your support and all what you did with him. i can use him with dino or some other programs.
<inky> i just wanted to say to sicelo that it has problems, and on pinephone if you use non latin keyboard you just cannot survive because as i explained no way to trigger it, and necessity to write setxkbmap in osso xterm which not many would be ready to do.
<freemangordon> yeah, we have to write that gesture handler that brings vkb up someday
<inky> oh that would be amazing!
<inky> just for you to know, i mentioned it, but for you to know, there is also a bug which, when you write in vkb, sometimes non latin characters are not copied to the input field of underlying program.
<inky> let's say you type in vkbd and what you typed has to appear in leafpad or our email program or anything supported
<inky> but then only "," or "." symbols are there
<inky> instead of other non latin symbols you get whitespaces.
<inky> it happens rarely, but it happens.
<inky> i have no idea how can you repeat it. it's not often.
<inky> freemangordon: i am also very thankful that you enabled unicode in xmpp accounts.
<inky> my account is unicode so thanks no you i can use conversations.
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<dsc__> firefox is able to raise a vkb, but only on wayland it seems
<dsc__> going to guess its because wayland standardized the way virtual keyboards are suppose to work
<dsc__> people have been asking for firefox vkb support since 2010 on their tracker, i doubt x11 will get it
<dsc__> s/tracker/bugtracker/g
<dsc__> just a guess @ wayland, I dunno much about wayland internals :p
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