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<arno11> inky: <how do you remove it?> i simply used modprobe -r nokia-modem
<arno11> but you can also blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d iirc
<gnarface> if i unload the modem module on the pinephone i have to reboot to make it work again too
<gnarface> i suspect this may be some sort of (possibly common?) hardware limitation
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<arno11> iirc it was working on n900 previously but not 100% sure or maybe there is a trick i don t remember
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<inky> I dont need to ever make it work, i have no sim card
<inky> what is a d4 modem module? i will blacklist it.
<inky> i know how to blacklist.
<inky> i didnt think that rmmoi is etough, i was thinking i need to put tde modem to airplane mode by some command.
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<freemangordon> https://imgur.com/o7fzYRe :D
<dsc_> you are using guest additions to more easily mount stuff?
<dsc_> or for graphics things?
<freemangordon> grapchics
<freemangordon> *graphics
<freemangordon> but I was surprised by that notification :)
<dsc_> yes :)
<dsc_> its funny
<freemangordon> yeah
<dsc_> i have avatars working inside the chat
<dsc_> with proper refreshes etc
<freemangordon> great
<freemangordon> I am still on authorizations, will take some time
<dsc_> should they also be on the overview?
<freemangordon> I think yes
<dsc_> ok
<freemangordon> maybe ask Wizzup about what he thinks about
<Wizzup> I think on fremantle they are
<freemangordon> mhm
<inky> yes, notification is funny
<inky> how to put leste/d4 to airplane mode?
<inky> or to put modem to sleep.
<Wizzup> offline mode
<Wizzup> press power key
<dsc_> im not finished with the avatar stuff yet
<dsc_> probably tomorrow
<dsc_> hmm no, longer. it needs testing etc.
<Wizzup> let's also do some memory testing
<dsc_> yes I wrote some C/glib
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<freemangordon> ok, now with ubuntu 20/linux 5.15 I should be ready to hack ofono :)
<Wizzup> :)
<Wizzup> I paused for a moment on daedalus to see if I can write a script to parse all our debian/control files (of our repos) and figure out in which order to build pkgs
<Wizzup> I have to check this manually atm and it's a bit annoying
<freemangordon> ugh, RMNET_FLAGS_INGRESS_MAP_CKSUMV5 is not in 5x linux :(
<Wizzup> ~
<Wizzup> :)
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<uvos__> inky: You cant power down the modem on over what putting it offline dose (CFUN=0 via the "at" interface iirc) the modem has its own pmic that we afaik have zero control over.
<uvos__> *on d4
<uvos__> you can blacklist the motmdm module but that dosent really affect the modem at all hw wise, since it still controlls its own pmic
<inky> how does the airplane mode work?
<uvos__> it just tels the modem to to offline itself via the at interface
<uvos__> same as offline mode
<inky> that's CFUN=0 thing?
<uvos__> yes, irrc thats the command at+CFUN=0
<uvos__> theres probubly also a way to do the same thing over qmi
<uvos__> but idk
<inky> what is the modem interface? i need to connect to it with some terminal program like cu i guess.
<uvos__> on d4 the modem has no control over the cpu or its peripherals but the cpu also dosent really have any control over the modem
<freemangordon> yes, it does it over qmi
<inky> yes, interesting how.
<inky> what is the modem port?
<uvos__> port?
<uvos__> to the cpu? its connected via usb and some gpios
<inky> i mean tty
<inky> i need minicom or cu or something to send AT commands to it, right?
<uvos__> you can just use ofono
<inky> it should be /dev/ttyUSB?
<inky> oh
<uvos__> its gsmtty
<uvos__> there are several
<uvos__> i dont remeber which one is the at interface
<freemangordon> better use qmicli
<uvos__> that works too
<uvos__> but ofono should do the right thing
<freemangordon> mhm
<uvos__> theres a script for offlineing the modem
<freemangordon> leste too
* inky is trying to find the modem device.
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<Wizzup> uvos__: uh, the modem goes in offline mode with our offline mode
<Wizzup> doesn't mean it's unpowered, but it does go offline
<uvos__> yes thats exactly what was said
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<Wizzup> right, but I mean that I said that earlier as well
<Wizzup> anyway, doesn't matter
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<inky> Wizzup: yes, but our offline mode also turns off wifi. i need wifi, i don't need modem.
<Wizzup> yeah, agreed
<Wizzup> that needs to be solved
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<arno11> Wizzup: i got procps error because of missing file in sysctl.d (didn t noticed it before) and corrupted files in /tmp. fixed it then modem drops and battery draw disappear...
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<sicelo> ah, sounds more like what i expected ... i really don't remember that modem dropping. in general it's quite solid
* sicelo adds yet another TODO - ussd for droid 4... one-shot ussd commands work quite reliably with modemmanager (i.e. those not needing a response)
<inky> sicelo: you have droid4?
<arno11> sicelo: yeah indeed quite solid usually
<inky> will try tomorrow to communicate with d4 modem again. i tried to send AT commands to all /dev/ttyUSB and all /dev/gsmtty devices and neither replied.
<inky> so i dont know which device to talk to with qmi.
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