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<norayr> Wizzup: i think bot (lel?) didn't notice this
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<Oksanaa> MStarDict was great, back when I used it on Maemo 5 Fremantle :-) Thank you!
* Oksanaa wonders if any news releases are planned for - the latest one was April 2022?..
<Oksanaa> I am very, very tired of the data fragmentation. Between (several devices, actually) Nokia N900, Fxtec Pro1, Nokia E71, and for-the-sake-of-taking-photographs Nokia 1.3 and Nokia N95... I have no idea how I will actually compile, in the distant future, a continuous history of SMS texts. Or a continuous photo album. Or notes. Or IRC history into a single IRC client.
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<Oksanaa> And I have no idea what device I want to use in the future. Fxtec Pro1? Perhaps, but I do not trust Sailfish OS to not brick it again - is there Maemo Leste image for it? Motorola Droid 4? Perhaps, but I do not have one, yet. Nokia N950? Perhaps, but it would need tricky soldering work to get SIM card slot working. Nokia N900? Perhaps, but it would need a repair of the charging port...
<freemangordon> norayr: or simply add AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION to, IIUC
<Oksanaa> At this rate, I would even be interested in a Maemo Leste image for Dragonbox Pyra: at least, this device (pre-ordered, not arrived yet) is not in need of repairs or data back-up. Granted, it's standard edition, not mobile edition, so it does not have cellular connectivity... Perhaps, I will (pre-)order another one, with cellular connectivity...
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<norayr> freemangordon: i think AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION is in, i checked.
<norayr> but i'll check again
<norayr> and yes, i wanted to say, i have very limited knowledge with autotools etc, so it would be great if you comment on my solutions
<norayr> Oksanaa: i think last images were build in september.
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<tmlind> freemangordon: not sure if increasing the timeouts helps. maybe the issue is that n_gsm is unable to connect if no response initially?
<tmlind> Wizzup, uvos: so i took a look at the tc358765 dsi bridge i2c transfers issues on mz617.. the chip seems super buggy for i2c
<tmlind> heh, so for register writes, writes go to address + 1 instead of address :)
<tmlind> and after a write, a short timeout is needed or else any following read or write will fail
<tmlind> of course it could be some i2c pull-up issue.. but lm75 on the same i2c bus works just fine. also tried configuring the bus at 400khz
<tmlind> the kernel tc358764 driver uses mipi_dsi reads and writes, and looks like the android driver for tc358765 only used i2c for dumping out the regs for debugging if i read the right code in the v3.0.8 tree..
<tmlind> i guess i'll try to get the mipi_dsi reads and writes working too, then we can make sure i2c and mipi_dsi both read and write the same registers with the same values..
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<uvos__> tmlind: thats wierd, might it also just be a special made to order motorola variant of the chip with one extra register that moves all the subisquent addresses +1?
<uvos__> so if you hack the driver to just add 1 to the address on reads/writes dose it work?
<tmlind> uvos__: no.. i found this out by reading and writing to the early regs and looking the results with i2cdump
<uvos__> ok
<tmlind> uvos__: any idea if the v3.0.8 kernel panel-mapphone-d2l.c is the one in use?
<uvos__> i need to take apart my mz617 and charge it
<tmlind> heh
<uvos__> tmlind: no but should be easy to check
<tmlind> looks like the tc358764 drivers in mainline kernel is finally fixed for the bridge api with some tested-by from the chromebook folks
<uvos__> :)
<tmlind> i guess i'll try to get that to work, then 765 presumably just has dual lane support compared to 764..
<uvos__> would be very neat :)
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<tmlind> so the i2ctransfer command i used for debugging was from:
<Wizzup> tmlind: heh @ register write offset. it would be super awesome if it can be mdae to work :)
<tmlind> something along the lines of this to read a reg: i2ctransfer -f -y 1 w2@0x50 0x05 0x80 r4 to read idreg, forgot which way around the 0x0580 address offset had to be specified
<tmlind> did not get that to work with android btw for dumping regs, android bus is 1 like above mainline 0
<tmlind> but would be nice to have a register dump of the android regs naturally somehow
<tmlind> also with i2ctools, writes work along the examples on that page, but the address needs to be addr - 1, and sleep 0.1 is needed before any other transfers..
<tmlind> looks like reading the idreg just returns the value at 0x80, which can be written directly..
<tmlind> while writing to idreg won't work
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<tmlind> i tried i2ctransfer from busybox on android btw, maybe it's buggy
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<uvos__> tmlind: might make sense to use androids own i2ctools
<uvos__> use/try
<uvos__> source is in the android tree ususally they are not installed on images unless you do a debug bild
<uvos__> build
<freemangordon> tmlind: since the increase, I saw no failures in registrering audio interface
<freemangordon> also, it does not make sense not me _gsm to wait 8 seconds for command being send but audio driver to wait 1 second for response
<freemangordon> *does not make sense to me n_gsm
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<tmlind> freemangordon: ok great if it helps :)
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<freemangordon> do you plan to send tose patches for upstreaming soon?
<freemangordon> *those
<tmlind> me? which patches? serdev-gsm?
* tmlind too many half done patches
<tmlind> in case you're asking about serdev-gsm, those should be updated to use serdev read/write also for the client drivers
<tmlind> on a train again, bbl
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<freemangordon> tmlind: yes, serdev-ngsm (and motmdm audio/gsm friends)
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<Guest224> Oksanaa: I saw your Maemo device thinking thru Pinephone (not pro) convergence with keyboard ( with can be one option too. Easiest install just put Maemo image to SD card and restart. But anyway
<Guest224> N900 and Droid 4 has some good points too. It is also question what physical phone size you want.
<Guest224> -> I continue lurking thru irclog.
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<rafael2k> Wizzup: I updated the PR with the kernel package version bump:
<Wizzup> ok, will handle today
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<freemangordon> tmlind: also, you said we shall add some CIEV handler, but I am not sure I understand what you mean, given
<freemangordon> or do you mean we shall handle CIEV also in netreg?
<tmlind> freemangordon: oh maybe we have it already then, i guess that already covers netreg too for kicking the usb qmi modem
<tmlind> freemangordon: assuming they are on the same dlci
<tmlind> hmm maybe ciev_notify() should just kick the qmi usb modem, maybe nothing else is really needed
<freemangordon> mhm
<tmlind> could be some generic cive handler, not limited to voicecall.c
<freemangordon> in motmdm?
<tmlind> yeah
<freemangordon> motmdm.c
<tmlind> yup
<tmlind> then additionally voicecall.c can do what it needs to do with CIEV if anything
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<freemangordon> shall I add such handler?
<freemangordon> hmm, why mot_qmi_trigger_events uses WMS no matter what has changed?
<freemangordon> like, how is MSIM or CREG event related to WMS?
<freemangordon> aren't those supposed to kick DMS, not WMS?
<freemangordon> or it is just a fake call to wake-up USB?
<tmlind> well anything that gets the usb qmimodem to check it's status should do, maybe there's a better way
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> so, shall I add CIEV handler in motmdm.c?
<tmlind> all the modem notifications only seem to come to the n_gsm interface, usb won't notice anything and i was unable to reconfigure the usb modem when i tired
<freemangordon> ah, I see
<tmlind> yeah it's worth trying, it could simplify things
<tmlind> it's like the usb modem settings are read-only
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<freemangordon> ok, will do
<tmlind> cool, look forward hearing what happens :)
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<freemangordon> and what we expect to happen differently?
<freemangordon> like, what it the bug we try to fix? :)
<freemangordon> *is the
<tmlind> usb modem might start doing things on the notifications like it should
<freemangordon> what things, in particular?
<tmlind> like network status change, sim insert, data connected..
<freemangordon> iiuc it already does
<tmlind> well maybe yeah
<freemangordon> but ok, one more cb should not hurt
<tmlind> but does ciev_notify() always call mot_qmi_trigger_events()?
<freemangordon> no
<tmlind> ok then it's worth trying and see what happens :)
<tmlind> also WAKEUP should do that if we don't have a handler for it
<freemangordon> I guess I shall enable n_gsm debug to see all the unsol messages that come
<tmlind> yeah or do sudo dmesg -w
<tmlind> after loading with modprobe n_gsm debug=0xff
<freemangordon> mhm
<tmlind> right that's what you meant too, i misread enabling ofono debug..
<freemangordon> ok, going to do it
<Wizzup> 17:39 < freemangordon> like, what it the bug we try to fix? :)
<Wizzup> context activation often not workingf
<freemangordon> umm... is that still there after latest fixes?
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> on my d4 I often still have to send a sms to get it to activate
<Wizzup> at least twice today
<Wizzup> maybe it's something else that's odd
<Wizzup> or rather: I have to send a sms for ofono to realise it's activated
<freemangordon> hmm...
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> do you have n_gsm traces?
<tmlind> from android you mean?
<freemangordon> no, from leste
<freemangordon> when ctx activation fails
<tmlind> no don't have any
<Wizzup> no, but I can enable it again
<freemangordon> I think it will be helpful to see if there is anything coming from the modem at all
<Wizzup> there is, CIEV
<Wizzup> brb
<freemangordon> ok
<tmlind> ok. hmm so what is the context activation event?
<Wizzup> there are two that I saw
<freemangordon> ugh, my d4 just hanged :(
<Wizzup> one regarding radio tech and ciev
<tmlind> but is it for the same operator?
<tmlind> i mostly suffer from lost network connectivity not being notified and i have to manually reconnect to get pm working again..
<tmlind> well there is some CIEV event for that
<tmlind> again
<tmlind> bbl
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<Wizzup> are you asking if I see the problems only on specific operators?
<tmlind> just wondering what all is considered a context activation event
<Wizzup> by modem (in at), or by ofono, or conceptually?
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<freemangordon> tmlind: I will intercept ~+WAKEUP as well
<freemangordon> Wizzup: tmlind: I suspect RSSI reported values are not in %
<Wizzup> Ah
<Wizzup> possible
<freemangordon> onm android it reports 15-18 and UI displays full strangth
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<freemangordon> *strength
<Wizzup> right
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<freemangordon> Network 'umts': '-78 dBm'
<freemangordon> this is for RSSI 16
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<Wizzup> is this our ofono code, or android
<freemangordon> RSSI vs qmicli --nas-get-signal-strength -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 RSSI dBm
<Wizzup> ah
<freemangordon> + 2.2017426273458440e+000 * x^1
<freemangordon> f(x) = -1.1581501340482572e+002 * x^0
<freemangordon> 1st order polynomial approximation
<freemangordon> -115 + 2x to convert RSSI to dBm
<freemangordon> and then we'll have to convert to percent
<freemangordon> but that'd be easy
<Wizzup> right
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<norayr> Wizzup, would it be convenient to create a repo for mstardict?
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<Wizzup> norayr: pls open an issue and I will tomorrow
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<freemangordon> hmm. seems this is our table
<Wizzup> nice find
<freemangordon> seems our values differs with 1-3 dBm
<freemangordon> I'll push a fix in several minutes
<Wizzup> ok, ty
* Wizzup zzz :)
<freemangordon> done, please make a release when you have some time
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