Wizzup: wait, what? not only that, but TS does not work at all
I don;t see how we can push that to stable
and trust me, this is no "my ioload" problem, there is something terribly wrong in mmc driver my gut feeling tells me
Wizzup: why are xorg tags that long? is it ok
unless all Mobian users also have the same... which I doubt
well, I see nothing specioal about my device
which is your PP version?
no idea how to provide more specific info
different than mine
the fact that I can reliably can reproduce the issue by just changing the kernel, should be enough
so better you try other "upstream" and point which one works fine, we can choose that branch
I can not help
you can :). by providing some hints how to build that
opr, how to choose the correct tree
debuild -uc -us
ah, it already have debian packaging?
freemangordon: hm @ ok ts doesn't work, I'll test it as well then
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I will brb
rafael2k: ok, will try
but, lets push xorg first to -devel
I have a feeling distros are not supporting pretty well the braveheart anymore
which is sad indeded
anyway, lets try to find a a good kernel, or may be bisect the issue in order 5.15...
*our 5.15 tree
freemangordon: we can also try to look the changes in the patchset between 5.15.21 and 5.14.48 and see wtf broke braveheart
I tried, to no use
but didn;t spent much time
with my "building on device" setup I'll certainly take 2 years to bisect the issue
I will focus on that, I just want to fix those several outstanding xorg issues first
I agree that is more important for now (and guarantee that Maemo 5.15.68 for PP >= 1.2 is working fine)
I trust you, it is that it does not work on my device, which is kind of de-motivating :)
I can work on 6.0 these coming week
may be just grab Megi's 6.0 branch and build for experimentation
I am almost sure the issue will be there
I prefer to try to bisect
I have the same feeling tbh
so I will start building release after release until I hit the issue
and then it will become more or less clear what it is about
what worries me though is that it will take ages on the device
omg, git-buildpackage pulled mysql
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i don't know if it is connected but xorg crashes for me on droid4
sometimes when i use it
doesn't crash when i don't use it.
so might be connected to typing
but not sure
i mean it never crashed if it just stays there with pidgin running
but when i use it it crashes
this is what I am trying to fix now
but maybe it also crashes when i use hwkbi
i don't know
yes yes that would be great if u fix it.
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freemangordon: ok! lemme know once you find the offending version, I can help checking the diff of the patches
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ok, seems cannot repro xorg crash after the upgrade
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freemangordon: that is with the extra patch?
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but the n900 should work okayish, we don't have calls working properly yet / < freemangordon> hmm, maybe someone on the channel might volunteer to do it
do what? make n900 calls work?
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sicelo: port sp-rich-core to leste
ah :-)
* freemangordon
wonders how hard it would be to port h-i-m gtk plugin to gtk3
not too hard I think
I looked at it briefly a while ago
it is mostly the same api
looking at it ATM
and I think this would be better than hacking around with x11
sure, but x11 fallback is not bad
we also need it for qt5 :)
yes, but I think we can use him there as well
I had that working as a hack
I am first to agree him is not the best, but OTOH - what is?
do we really have a replacement?
unless I promised to do something else first (which I don;t remember) I think the next I will start working on is gtk3 h-i-m plugin
should be low-hanging fruit and will allow us to use browsers with non-english characters
and will also ease the usage on PP
both FF and chromium are gtk3, right?
not sure
* Wizzup
good night
freemangordon: if I'm not mistaken, you had planned to work on vrfb next
yeah, but I think gtk3 im will benefit more people
also, it should be more or less way easier and faster than vrfb
I doubt it will take more more than a week or so