<kona> n00mann[m]: idk, my n900 runs leste just fine, but it is a little light on memory so even with zramfs you have to be patient.
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<n00mann[m]> Can it run mpv say a 360p h264 videos oke?
<n00mann[m]> I imagine links browser should work okey but does qtbrowser work as well?
<n00mann[m]> * I imagine the links browser
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: xorg segfaulted here, but I suspect it is not the driver
<freemangordon> going to try to port sp-rich-core
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> n00mann[m]: droid4 is probably a better pick unless you're in the US
<Wizzup> but the n900 should work okayish, we don't have calls working properly yet
<freemangordon> hmm, maybe someone on the channel might volunteer to do it
<freemangordon> anybody wants to port sp-rich-core (and friends) to leste?
<freemangordon> it also needs sp-endurance
<freemangordon> Wizzup: you may want to enable coredumps too
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<freemangordon> uvos: vkb seems to have issues sending utf8 characters to non-gtk apps
<freemangordon> IIRC it is you that enabled that
<freemangordon> ok, trying to send cyrillic text to empathy-chat and then playing with the menu makes xorg freeze
<freemangordon> aaaand... we have a coredump :)
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I think we shall upgrade xorg
<freemangordon> there are too many fixes since our version IIUC
<Wizzup> hmm
<freemangordon> also how to satisfy xorg systemd build dependency?
<freemangordon> I installed libelogind-dev to no use
<Wizzup> I was going to suggest that
<Wizzup> are you trying to build upstream xorg now?
<Wizzup> we forked it also for some other patches
<freemangordon> no, this is our xorg
<freemangordon> and I cannot build it
<freemangordon> without installing systemd-dev
<Wizzup> sudo apt-get build-dep . (from debian/ ?)
<freemangordon> lemme try
<Wizzup> hmm that's the wrong branch
<Wizzup> I think spinal made maemo/ascii pinned
<freemangordon> The following NEW packages will be installed:
<freemangordon> libpolkit-gobject-consolekit-1-0 libsystemd-dev libsystemd0
<freemangordon> anyway, will install
<freemangordon> it seems jenkins pulls libsystemd during the build
<freemangordon> I will test the ^^^ patch with our xorg, that's whay I want to build it
<freemangordon> *why
<freemangordon> Wizzup: seems the patch applies fine, will push to -devel
<freemangordon> can;t wait 3 hours until xorg builds on d4
<Wizzup> sure
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<_uvos_> freemangordon: it is impossible to send non english charecters to x11 if an english keymap is selected
<_uvos_> x11 keycodes are only 8 bit wide
<freemangordon> ugh
<_uvos_> it will work if you select an cryllic keymap for x11
<_uvos_> but then the hwkbd wont work
<_uvos_> it is impossible for both to work at the same time
<_uvos_> due to fundamental x11 limits
<freemangordon> great
<freemangordon> ok, thanks
<_uvos_> the solution i have planned
<_uvos_> is for the vkb to switch the keymap when it opens
<_uvos_> and swich back on close
<_uvos_> the hwkbd will be broken then while the vkb is open
<_uvos_> but its the best you can do
<freemangordon> hwkbd is inactive anyways when vkb is opened
<_uvos_> the problem with this is we need some him->x11 keymap table
<_uvos_> not true
<freemangordon> how's that?
<Wizzup> inactive in the sense that nobody would be expected to use it
<Wizzup> sure you can press keys on it
<freemangordon> if you press any key on hwkbd, vkb will close
<_uvos_> sill that keypress will be wrong
<freemangordon> we can ignore the first char
<_uvos_> also i skipped the check when the user request vkb open via the open key
<_uvos_> because it might be usefull sometimes
<freemangordon> check for?
<_uvos_> vkb usual dosent open if silde is opened
<_uvos_> this check is skipped if the user explicitly requests vkb
<_uvos_> as opposed to it opening on field click
<freemangordon> ok, but vkb closes on HWKBD keypress
<_uvos_> sure
<freemangordon> so the only thing we shall do in that case is to ignore the first hwkbd char, while vkb has still not restored the mapping
<_uvos_> i gues
<_uvos_> also we need a table
<_uvos_> the problem here is
<_uvos_> that there is no 1 to 1 corrispondance of him input languages and x11 keymaps
<_uvos_> we really need to make a special x11 keymap for eatch him lang
<Wizzup> freemangordon: btw, not urgent, but was your ioload problem solved with the new kernel?
<_uvos_> lots of work
<freemangordon> _uvos_: can;t we just build it in run-time?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: no :(
<_uvos_> maybe idk
<_uvos_> not sure about xcb internals to that degree
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, well, I suppose we could push it through to stable soon in any case
<_uvos_> *xkb
<freemangordon> Wizzup: wait, what? not only that, but TS does not work at all
<freemangordon> I don;t see how we can push that to stable
<freemangordon> and trust me, this is no "my ioload" problem, there is something terribly wrong in mmc driver my gut feeling tells me
<rafael2k> nope
<freemangordon> Wizzup: why are xorg tags that long? is it ok
<rafael2k> unless all Mobian users also have the same... which I doubt
<rafael2k> :/
<freemangordon> well, I see nothing specioal about my device
<freemangordon> *special
<rafael2k> which is your PP version?
<freemangordon> braveheart
<freemangordon> no idea how to provide more specific info
<rafael2k> different than mine
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> the fact that I can reliably can reproduce the issue by just changing the kernel, should be enough
<rafael2k> so better you try other "upstream" and point which one works fine, we can choose that branch
<rafael2k> I can not help
<freemangordon> you can :). by providing some hints how to build that
<freemangordon> opr, how to choose the correct tree
<rafael2k> debuild -uc -us
<freemangordon> *or
<rafael2k> ?
<freemangordon> ah, it already have debian packaging?
<freemangordon> *has
<rafael2k> yeap
<freemangordon> ok
<Wizzup> freemangordon: hm @ ok ts doesn't work, I'll test it as well then
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<Wizzup> I will brb
<freemangordon> rafael2k: ok, will try
<freemangordon> but, lets push xorg first to -devel
<rafael2k> I have a feeling distros are not supporting pretty well the braveheart anymore
<rafael2k> which is sad indeded
<rafael2k> anyway, lets try to find a a good kernel, or may be bisect the issue in order 5.15...
<rafael2k> *our 5.15 tree
<rafael2k> freemangordon: we can also try to look the changes in the patchset between 5.15.21 and 5.14.48 and see wtf broke braveheart
<freemangordon> I tried, to no use
<freemangordon> but didn;t spent much time
<rafael2k> with my "building on device" setup I'll certainly take 2 years to bisect the issue
<freemangordon> I will focus on that, I just want to fix those several outstanding xorg issues first
<rafael2k> I agree that is more important for now (and guarantee that Maemo 5.15.68 for PP >= 1.2 is working fine)
<freemangordon> I trust you, it is that it does not work on my device, which is kind of de-motivating :)
<rafael2k> I can work on 6.0 these coming week
<rafael2k> may be just grab Megi's 6.0 branch and build for experimentation
<freemangordon> I am almost sure the issue will be there
<rafael2k> :/
<freemangordon> I prefer to try to bisect
<rafael2k> I have the same feeling tbh
<freemangordon> so I will start building release after release until I hit the issue
<freemangordon> and then it will become more or less clear what it is about
<freemangordon> what worries me though is that it will take ages on the device
<freemangordon> omg, git-buildpackage pulled mysql
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<norayr> i don't know if it is connected but xorg crashes for me on droid4
<norayr> sometimes when i use it
<norayr> doesn't crash when i don't use it.
<norayr> so might be connected to typing
<norayr> but not sure
<norayr> i mean it never crashed if it just stays there with pidgin running
<norayr> but when i use it it crashes
<freemangordon> this is what I am trying to fix now
<norayr> but maybe it also crashes when i use hwkbi
<norayr> i don't know
<norayr> yes yes that would be great if u fix it.
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<rafael2k> freemangordon: ok! lemme know once you find the offending version, I can help checking the diff of the patches
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<freemangordon> ok, seems cannot repro xorg crash after the upgrade
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: that is with the extra patch?
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> bbl
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<sicelo> but the n900 should work okayish, we don't have calls working properly yet / < freemangordon> hmm, maybe someone on the channel might volunteer to do it
<sicelo> do what? make n900 calls work?
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<freemangordon> sicelo: port sp-rich-core to leste
<sicelo> ah :-)
* freemangordon wonders how hard it would be to port h-i-m gtk plugin to gtk3
<Wizzup> not too hard I think
<freemangordon> mhm
<Wizzup> I looked at it briefly a while ago
<Wizzup> it is mostly the same api
<freemangordon> looking at it ATM
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> and I think this would be better than hacking around with x11
<Wizzup> sure, but x11 fallback is not bad
<Wizzup> we also need it for qt5 :)
<Wizzup> atm
<freemangordon> yes, but I think we can use him there as well
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> I had that working as a hack
<freemangordon> I am first to agree him is not the best, but OTOH - what is?
<freemangordon> do we really have a replacement?
<freemangordon> unless I promised to do something else first (which I don;t remember) I think the next I will start working on is gtk3 h-i-m plugin
<freemangordon> should be low-hanging fruit and will allow us to use browsers with non-english characters
<freemangordon> and will also ease the usage on PP
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> agree
<freemangordon> both FF and chromium are gtk3, right?
<Wizzup> not sure
* Wizzup zzz
<freemangordon> good night
<sicelo> freemangordon: if I'm not mistaken, you had planned to work on vrfb next
<freemangordon> yeah, but I think gtk3 im will benefit more people
<freemangordon> also, it should be more or less way easier and faster than vrfb
<freemangordon> I doubt it will take more more than a week or so
<freemangordon> anyway, time to zzz
<freemangordon> night!
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