tmlind: what is channel 8 used for? I think it is enabled by mistake in the bitmap
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Wizzup: I am not sure I'll be able to merge, but will try
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freemangordon: we can also just replace it branch
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Wizzup: ^^^
yeah, maybe also keep the other one as maemo-5.18-old
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Wizzup: we'd better switch the branch
to what?
maemo-5.18.y :)
I am fine with it, but we'll change to change debian/gbp.conf as well
better than force-push I think
actually nevermind
that's not true, it's tag based
so you can pick any branch name
my bad
so, I am going to push maemo-5.18.y branch and will leave you to make the release, ok?
if you can, maybe do make the tag and push the tag as well
it would be like maemo-kernel-5.18.NUMBERHERE
I am experiencing incredibly slow boottimes, it takes like 2-3 mins. I have seen the n900 perform better than that just after the ML install. Checking dmesg indicates a gap between usb0 at 60s and bnep bleutooth at 200s. Is there any way to find out what is going on? I can only find guidance on systemd based tools...
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freemangordon: also please, a feature branch with just the modem/serdev patches on some otherwise mainline version
i dont want to go huting around the tree for patches again next major release
that's why we rebase instead of merge in branches yeah?
so that all the relevant patches are just on top of the regular linux
its still better to have them sorted by subject
otherwise you have figure out what was merged into mainline on a per patch
uvos__: you should ask tmlind for that
He knows better what patch does what
Wizzup: maemo-kernel-5.18.19
Wizzup: hmm, wait a bit, I have to fix one thing (reorganize the patches)
please retag as well
freemangordon: not sure about channel 8, 7 i think just echoes back what's typed to it
or maybe 8, don't seem to have any notes on that
the android numbering starts from 0 btw
it does not respond to SABM(P) at all
channe 8 that is
so I think it is better to remove it from the bitmap
it does not respond to DISC as well
so, nobody home I'd say
ok, some of the unused ones might be wired to the lte modem when it's up
ah, Isee
ok, will not touch it
well you could remove it and add a comment saying it's unsued :)
i think channel 12 is the one i thought might be wired to some lte modem uart
not a biggie, it just slows down rmmod, as latest code tries to gracefully close the channels
but ok
yeah ok just drop channel 8 then
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Wizzup: ready, please release
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freemangordon: summary for userspace, does this fix known problems atm?
missing modem on startup, missin messages, all kind of random issues
it's building atm
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nice :)
freemangordon: also the issue with unsol messages on ofono restart is gone now?
I added my sign-off to all the commits I made changes to
feel free to remove it as appropriate
I will send n_gsm fixes after I get back from holiday (after 13th)
Wizzup: obviously, there are more issues in ofono, but I'll chase them after I get back
you may gather a list in the meanwhile :)
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when are you leaving?
tomorrow morning
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hm I don't see /motmdm_0/context1 atm on my d4
same on the d4
same on the bionic
freemangordon: did you test network context?
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will look at it later on
currently I think the data contexts aren't working
some bug in ofono
with all your digging up its amazing that this worked half way at all
yeah, list-context returns nothin
which is weird
this rarely worked for me in the past
i had to restart ofono lots
it worked more than it didn't for me, but yes, not always
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somehow I have 2 contexts now
let me reboot to see if it will still work
ies, it still works
I have contexts after restart
and connections dialog lists GPRS connection
it fails to connect, but that's another story :)
what I did is to issue qmicli --wds-get-profile-list=3gpp
tmlind: shouldn;t motmdm create WDS service as well?
so you must run qmicli before ofono works?
I did that only once
and after power cycle it still works
hm now I restart ofono again and I get a conte
but this is 4th restart
(didn't issue qmicli)
I think ofono driver shall create WDS service
but need tmlind to confirm
(btw still see the thing where if I send sms during context activation, the context finally activates)
but this time I also received the sms, which is a bug fixed :)
but I think we knew about this context with with CIEV not being used fir kicking
sorry, don;t have time now to dig into that
either wait for me to get back or you fix it in the meanwhile
will probably wait, since you have the domain knowledge now
I will work on other parts
hmm, actually after reboot there are no contexts, my bad
it is simply that ICD had that SIM card provisioned
ok, doing disable/enable/online makes them appear
actually offline/online is enough
it seems doing online too soon after enable bugs it
just ofono restart didn't help
but I didn't try offline/online
which cellulard does
shall I hack cellulard to wait 1 second before putting modem online?
is it just the one second that makes a difference?
no idea, but I can try
maybe it's just a message that ofono is missing
I suppose can try, but it doesn't seem like a "proper" fix
but I'm fine with it
that's why 'hack' :)
we'll revert as soon as ofono is fixed
yep, that works
and actually it connected on the second try :D
lemme push, please release
I will release it
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freemangordon: if you used the UI, then yes, it doesn't wait for the context to get active
freemangordon: ok ty
if it does not work right after reboot, enter/exit flight mode and it should be ok
yeah, have to do that after reboot, otherwise contexts does not appear
I still had to offline/online mode
but nice otherwise
yeah, some timing issue in ofono driver it seems
should be easy to fix
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is the camera working on Maemo Leste in the Nokia N900?
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Can I install Maemo Leste together with Maemo 5 on my N900's eMMC? Kind of like a dual boot
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No camera is currently working I believe, that's one of the missing drivers.
You can probably do it @ eMMC, but we don't have a guide for it
I would recomming using a microsd for leste and just picking it from u-boot
that's an easier way to dual boot and to troubleshoot
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Hey, I installed leste on my N900 today, and I have a certain problem. This N900 has a German QWERTZ layout, however it seems to be stuck on some weird QWERTY layout even after changing it in settings how you would on stock fremantle, and besides that, dot key is a left arrow key, the normal left arrow key does nothing, and i think i can't access up/down arrows too?
Wizzup: drivers/qmimodem/gprs.c:create_nas_cb() : Failed to request NAS service
this happens when there are no contexts
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jeder[m]: I think your layout might be available with setxkbmap and the right variant, but I am not sure.
it probably is, though i'd probably have to dig a bit
freemangordon: aha... ids exhausted?
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something in qmimodem
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i am back, `setxkbmap -model nokiarx51 -layout de` fixed that
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jeder[m]: maybe see /etc/default/keyboard (or so)
if you can set it permanently there, we definitely want to document that
changed that, and now reboot i am guessing, yes?
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hm, it doesn't want to boot to os now
was the change syntactically correct?
i just changed from us to de
though i did change the shell to fish before that and i wonder if that broke something
* to de in the file
yes that will break everything I think
so uh, reflash the card, i guess?
just undo the change on the microsd card if you can mount it anywhere
you can just edit /etc/passwd I imagine
don't really have a linux distro installed, though i did mount a drive to wsl once, welp we'll see if it work
it's back
okay so, /etc/default/keyboard has XKBLAYOUT="de", however, it didn't change anything looks like
and it discharged, oops
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jeder[m]: so it boots but didn't provide the fix that setxkbmap gave you?
maybe check how /etc/default/keyboard is used (or more specifically XKBLAYOUT)
I'll check as well
jeder[m]: hm, did you change anything in the settings applet? is that also set to 'Deutsch'?
settings->text input
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not sure right now what the best perm fix is
jeder[m]: maybe you can run setxkbmap -print
in your (fixed) scenario and then in the scenario that doesn't work
and then perhaps also with the /etc/default/keyboard fix (which isn't an actual fix atm) applied
not fixed and /etc/default/keyboard fix are the same
and the setxkbmap fix has de instead of us in xkb_symbols
can i paste both outputs here so its clearer?