Title: API reference — Migen 0.8.dev0 documentation (at m-labs.hk)
tnt: Reset is synchronous with Migen, to write an async reset, you have to do it in Verilog and an instance or use a Xilinx primitive directly
_florent_: tx for confirming what I suspected.
can't you just make a small clock domain for interacting with the particular signal and use an AsyncResetSynchronizer to drive the reset of the domain?
The goal of the reset async in this case would be to ensure reset works (i.e. output signal goes to defined state) when the clokc isn't running.
This is one of the things amaranth fixes, which has async_reset=True param for Signals
And indeed, helpful for resets w/o a clock (where only async resets work)
Yeah, the orange crab analog part is a copy of what I did on the icepick.
tnt: Thanks, I've been on a bit of an ADC kick lately... hope it ends soon, b/c reading about them for too long makes my head hurt :D
lol. I'm not claiming that ADC method is any good btw, but it worked good enough for me. You could also do sigma-delta with the same external hw but I didn't want a high frequency toggling node. A 'single conversion' kind of thing was more what I needed.
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I wanted an interrupt that automatically lets you know when a measurement is done, but that's like 5 lines of code for a LiteX core
Otherwise, single conversion is fine
_florent_: So I'm faced with the classic "vivado analyzes path it shouldn't" between pcie domain and sys_clk domain.
If I do : platform.add_false_path_constraints(self.crg.cd_sys.clk, self.pcie_phy.cd_pcie.clk) it doesn't help.
If I do : platform.toolchain.pre_placement_commands.append("set_clock_groups -group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks -of [get_nets sys_clk]] -group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks -of [get_nets pcie_clk]] -asynchronous")
then that last one works. The resulting .xdc is the same but the second also has that line in the `.tcl`
tnt: it could be related to the fact that synthesis of the PCIe PHY/LiteX design are done separately and previous constraint is ignored by Vivado. It's indeed sometimes painful to have false paths applied correctly
tnt: that's also some cases where LiteX does not necessarily simplify things with the extra-layers
mmm. But the IP are done both before the read_xdc and before the "# Add pre-placement commands" where that also ends up.
I guess the [get_clock / get_net ...] might not work because that done before synthesis so those don't exist yet ?
err sense_cnt by 2*. It's an edge detector (pos/neg edge of inpt clock), but I don't see why you need to incr by 2 once you've reached the comparator transistion
it increments by 1 or 2 depending on which bits are sampled at 1.
The thing (at least in the ice40), at the transition point, it tends to sometime sample a 1, sometimes a 0 and you get a more precise result by counting all the 0 (or all the 1) over a fixed interval rather than measuring the cycles it takes to get to the first one or first zero.
Oh wait... concat in Verilog is {bit1, bit0} if your signal is declared [1:0] isn't it?
Okay, this makes sense, I mixed up the concatenation order
Effectively, you're using both of input_clk's edges to the SB_IO to double the resolution/number of measurements taken
cr1901: precisely.
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