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<sewn> Hi
<sad_plan> hi sewn
<saturn[m]> o/
<niceguy5000[m]> \o!!!!!!!!
fitrh has joined #kisslinux
<testuser[m]> Hi
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<niceguy5000[m]> I go and rust the future!!!
<niceguy5000[m]> s/I/Is/
<testuser[m]> Ye
<sewn> Yes and you WILL like it
iamlargestfool is now known as varsh
<niceguy5000[m]> go has static builds by default, non of this dynamic non sense.
<sewn> So does rust
<sewn> ngl i randomly feel like making my own kiss fork of grepo and kiss-xorg
<saturn[m]> <niceguy5000[m]> "I go and rust the future!!!" <- yes…… and so is gnome linux gaming flatpak.. i love redhat!! i love dbus!!!
<sewn> you and virtualmachine man would do a great duo
<saturn[m]> who is that
<sewn> he's not here unfortunately
<saturn[m]> so sad
sad_plan has joined #kisslinux
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sad_plan has joined #kisslinux
jhuntwor1 is now known as jhuntwork
<sad_plan> sewn: did you actually end up using toybox? or did you simply revert back to busybox again?
<sewn> I decided I don't care
<sewn> I don't have proper replacement of busybox yet
<sewn> like service manager, init, coreutils, util-linux like, etc
<sad_plan> I see. perp wasnt to your liking after all?
<sewn> I barely even looked at it
<sad_plan> I see
<sewn> I'll look into it after perfecting my kernel config
<sad_plan> do that. oh, you can also still use runit. just make a custom busybox config which only enables the service manager. hell, you can enable the init aswell, and use something else for the rest of coreutils etc..
<sad_plan> just an idea
<sad_plan> howver, theres always the argument if all components off busybox isnt replaced, why not just use busybox
<sewn> because busybox ls is terrible
<sewn> its featureless
<sewn> to me atleast
<sad_plan> replace just busybox ls?
<sad_plan> with toyboxes
<sewn> with what????
<sewn> why mam
<sad_plan> or whichever one you see fit
<sewn> Why would I have two of the bloody bastards
<sad_plan> to have exacly what you need
<sad_plan> its called tailoring your system to your needs
<sad_plan> if toybox ls is all you need from toybox, you dont need to build anything else from it
<sewn> man
<sad_plan> you can obviously also just repack busybox and have the toybox included in the package
<sewn> plz no
<sewn> id honestly have only one coreutils
<sewn> honestly rather*
<sad_plan> technically youre for the most part using only 1. or.. 99.9% 1, or something
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<sewn> plz
<sad_plan> it was just an idea.
<sewn> I have been thinking of trying out s(u)base as well cuz meh
<sewn> toybox is unstable and busybox is unnecessarily huge
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<sewn> sbase+ubase is just very minimal, but if only it had -v
<sad_plan> s/ubase is rather small indeed, and it works somewhat sufficently for lots of usecases, but its also broken in some instances aswell
<sad_plan> like sbase sed and tr cant build nss iirc
<sewn> is there any others that are on par with toybox interms of completion
<sad_plan> nss is needed to build firefox.
<sad_plan> not really. theres lots of utils out there, but most are.. lacking
<sewn> shiiiiiiiii
<sad_plan> you could always fetch the sources for all the stuff youd want, and create a new util with all the utils youd want though
<sad_plan> like fetch only the neccessary bits for toybox ls, use busybox tar etc.. it would take some tinkering to get up and running though
<sewn> terrible idea however
<sad_plan> perhaps
<sad_plan> but youd get exacly what you want though
<sewn> amalgamateutils
<sad_plan> something like that.
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<niceguy5000[m]> o/!!
tprepper has joined #kisslinux
<tprepper> Hello, what do the $/, @/ and #/ mean on the website? Sorry if it's said somewhere and I missed it...
<niceguy5000[m]> Chatgpt is the future it solved your problem easily. This is what it does.
<niceguy5000[m]> ```It is likely that the website you are referring to uses the $/, @/, and #/ symbols as part of its URL structure or as a way to indicate certain types of content or sections of the website. Without more information about the specific website you are asking about, it is difficult to provide a specific explanation. Can you please provide me the url or the name of the website ?```
<niceguy5000[m]> The $/ is the sign of the flac files, @/ is the sign of the mp3 files, and #/ is the sign of the video files.
<niceguy5000[m]> It's a way to indicate the different format of the content, it helps users to find the file format they are looking for.
<tprepper> lol
<illiliti> $/ is user/org on github, @/ is relative link, #/ is same as @/
<illiliti> they are self-explanatory mostly
<tprepper> Why have both #/ and @/?
<illiliti> dunno
<illiliti> probably leftover