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<niceguy5000[m]> when is kiss python package manager going to happen?
<Ellowee[m]> Rewritten in python, or it handling python packages
<Ellowee[m]> Because latter is somewhat trivial
<Ellowee[m]> Former breaks purpose of kiss
<illiliti> never
<illiliti> cuz it would be piss
<illiliti> in all senses
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<wael_> Hi
<testuser[m]> Hi
<niceguy5000[m]> I really wanted a electron app kiss package with chat gpt build in.
<niceguy5000[m]> * kiss package manager with chat
<wael_> 🥹
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<aelspire> Hi
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<wael_> phoebos: is mdoc technically portable?
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<wael_> where the hell is kiss-find
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<wael_> yeah i dont see anyone has managed to package the perf tool sadly
<Ellowee[m]> I keep looking at snapshots of jedahan's page because there used to be a handful of good ones listed there
<wael_> jedahan's kiss-find databases is pretty old
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<phoebos> wael_: mdoc is usually available by default on the majority of bsd, gnu systems
<phoebos> most places is preferred to man
<phoebos> it's just a macro set though
<phoebos> re: kiss-find, my repo makes a new database every 6 hours
<phoebos> perf is rather kernel-specific no
<phoebos> noocsharp: nice post!
<wael_> why does my kernel always say that b3sum has been executed with a executable stack
<noocsharp> thanks phoebos
<noocsharp> wael_: b3sum was probably compiled with an executable stack
<wael_> how
<noocsharp> how did you compile it?
<wael_> kiss b b3sum
<wael_> kiss c b3sum
<wael_> kiss b b3sum
<noocsharp> do `readelf -l /usr/bin/b3sum | grep -A1 GNU_STACK`
<wael_> GNU_STACK 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
<wael_> 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 RWE 0x10
<wael_> so cool
<noocsharp> the E indicates executable
<noocsharp> the GNU_STACK section (i think it's a section) gives the permissions of the stack
<noocsharp> not sure why it's compiled with executable permission though, i'm pretty sure the default is without
<wael_> is it the same for you?
<noocsharp> well i'm not using kiss, but for all the executables i've checked, it's just RW, not RWE
<wael_> dddddddddddddddddddddddddjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
<noocsharp> which makes sense because C programs don't require executable stacks
<wael_> /usr/bin/ld: warning: blake3_cpuid.o: missing .note.GNU-stack section implies executable stack
<wael_> /usr/bin/ld: NOTE: This behaviour is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the linker
<wael_> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<noocsharp> what version is b3sum?
<wael_> cb4111ccc8061039b014fbb657c72f78984f1069
<wael_> aka 1.3.1
<wael_> the upstream c blake3 implementationwas last updated 2 months ago, and the one by mcf was last updated 10 months ago
<wael_> hmm
<noocsharp> i just built it locally and GNU_STACK has RW
<noocsharp> what is your LDFLAGS?
<wael_> none
<wael_> running plain make on the repo gives the same result
<wael_> are you on musl?
<noocsharp> so there's some difference between our toolchains
<noocsharp> im using glibc
<wael_> so am i
<noocsharp> gkiss?
<wael_> yes
<noocsharp> see if testuser[m] can reproduce
<wael_> though, gcc and binutils are overrided with --enable-multilib
<wael_> not sure that matters
<noocsharp> well one way to find out is remove the flag and rebuild the toolchain and recompile b3sum
<wael_> will do
<wael_> [grepo] gcc -> binutils -> glibc
<wael_> same problem
<testuser[m]> wael: yeah i noticed that warning too
<testuser[m]> But been occupied with other stuff recentlt
<testuser[m]> recently
<wael_> well its fine
<wael_> it werks :D
<testuser[m]> it unsekure
<wael_> but muh speed
<testuser[m]> Hmm there's no difference in configure flags
<niceguy5000[m]> is kiss a secure distro?
<shokara_> any distro can be secure
<niceguy5000[m]> Is the package manager is secure I mean.
<niceguy5000[m]> s/is//
<niceguy5000[m]> I guess so.
<noocsharp> what do you mean by secure?
<Ellowee[m]> Minimum surface of attack, maximum memory safety
<niceguy5000[m]> <noocsharp> "what do you mean by secure?" <- remote execution, I guess there's no flaw in the package manager just curl if something does happen.
<niceguy5000[m]> > <> what do you mean by secure?
<niceguy5000[m]> * Remote execution with MITM. I guess there's no flaw in the package manager just curl if something does happen.
<Ellowee[m]> kiss can use curl, wget, and a couple of others, so you're simply limited by what you use
<niceguy5000[m]> Yeah.
<phoebos> curl vulnerabilities do not comprimise the security of kiss because of checksumming
<niceguy5000[m]> This with the above is bad news but it's curl base not the package manager.