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<midfavila> i have a confession to make #kisslinux
<midfavila> i'm considering developing proprietary software in C# using Visual Studio Cood to make ends meet
<midfavila> how many lashings per day will it be to make up for such sins?
<phoebos> how long does it even take to build vs code
<midfavila> that's the worst part
<midfavila> if i get the job i'll have to use a work computer
<midfavila> meaning
<midfavila> >windows
<midfavila> need to learn about le object orientation and shit now, bleh
<Torr> midfavila: You'll get 0 lashes as long as you charge them high and don't leak Microsoft into Kiss.
<midfavila> hm
<midfavila> thank you for this mercy father torr
<midfavila> idk i doubt i'll even get the job, kind of a wild shot in the dark. i spoke to the guy that runs the place and he said that they're basically willing to take anyone with a basic knowledge of CS and not-terrible problem solving skills, and i fit at least one of those requirements
<Torr> Why don't you hone your skills to increase your chances?
<midfavila> 'm gonna, I just don't know how much I can in uh
* midfavila squints
<midfavila> seven months
<Torr> That's a lot of time.
<midfavila> yeah, but it's also not a lot
<Torr> Let me guess, you have trouble focusing and being productive when it comes to comercial software 'cause most of the market's demands are bloatware, crippleware and spyware.
<Torr> Which is nothing when compared to the work of art that is Unix.
<midfavila> well, no, i have trouble focusing because of chronic sleep deprivation, mental health issues, and an incredibly neurotic personality, but close enough :p
<midfavila> although not being able to use unix for work *will* legitimately make me less productive
<Torr> That sounds like just one thing.
<midfavila> hmm
<midfavila> i guess from a high enough level of abstraction you could lump them all together yeah
<sewn> Hi
<midfavila> hullo
<Ellowee[m]> <midfavila> "how many lashings per day will..." <- One for every customer it supplies l
<Ellowee[m]> * One for every customer it supplies lol
<midfavila> hek
<Torr> 'til later
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<sewn> testuser: plz update qbe
<sewn> nvm plz change source to git://
<niceguy5000[m]> You se qbe?
<niceguy5000[m]> * You use qbe?
<sewn> i dont use it i just need it for hare
<niceguy5000[m]> You're trying out hare?
<sewn> ig
<niceguy5000[m]> hare is the future of unix!
<testuser[m]> Fyck
<testuser[m]> I broke my year long "hi" streak
<testuser[m]> wael: u can adopt it
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<sad_plan> hi
<tprepper> hi
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