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<testuser[m]> Hi
<wael_> Hi
<wael_> <illiliti> "we gotta, unfortunately, remove..." <- its not even that effective, most big software doesn't compile with it anyway
<illiliti> you've never compiled chromium yourself, have you?
<illiliti> or firefox
<wael_> chromium no firefox yes
<wael_> I wanted to test Firefox mold compilation but it failed with a fucking Python error for mismatching psutil version
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<wael_> i am in damn shock that fortune - in the community repos, is actually a POSIX sh implementation
<wael_> the quotes gotta be updated with some new messages from here like from sad_plan or testuser
<wael_> ~technically its awk, but still thats shocking~
<wael_> why is kiss unable to copy symlinked files/?
<wael_> is this by design or a bug
<wael_> sad_plan: dotslashlinux is cool but its outdated alot
aliosablack is now known as reclaim
reclaim is now known as chomwitt
<phoebos> hope not. mold is great
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<sad_plan> What quotes wael_ ? :')
<sad_plan> Also, yeah I know dotslashlinux is getting outdated, but its still relevant.
<wael_> sad_plan:
<wael_> i know
<sad_plan> How are those relevant to me or testuser[m] ?
<sad_plan> Also, kiss dont need to copy symlinks. Jus create new ones in buildscript.
<wael_> wat
<wael_> oh i thought you meant which quo ok uh just oyeay igyher9ugy0rpa7uergb6y387r5tugy3qetgf7rtagb
<sad_plan> You linked the quotes you had in mind, but I dont see how those related to me or testuser. However you said quotes from me or testuser. And where would we have those quotes anyway? In the message of the day? Instead of the song of the day, which ironically hasnt been updated since september :p
<wael_> idk you guys make very interesting sentences that should go in ther
<wael_> the already existing files/kiss quotes thing already has some
<sad_plan> On the old websitw you mean?
<wael_> what old website
<sad_plan> Dylans
<illiliti> guys, what do you think what is currently lacking in posix?
<illiliti> perhaps some utility or interface
<illiliti> something that should 100% be standardized in next posix issue...
<wael_> a better shell
<wael_> btw sad_plan: is my kernel config good?
<illiliti> no, i mean what already exist and implemented in major unix-like systems
<testuser[m]> strfry
<illiliti> interesting, but it is glibc-only
<testuser[m]> lol it's a joke function
<testuser[m]> what about sed -i and install
<illiliti> sed -i is not possible unfortunately
<illiliti> cuz some implementations accept parameter and some dont
<illiliti> e.g: sed -i.bak
<illiliti> install maybe
<sad_plan> wael_: if i boots, then sure. But I see things that could possibly be dropped. If thats what youre interested in. I have both of mine laying around, if you wanna compare them.
<wael_> sad_plan: what kind of changes are dropped
<sad_plan> Bfp for one can be dropped. I have it disabled anyway. You can also use xz instead of zstd. It has worse compression speed but better decompression speed, which is what matters iirc.
<sad_plan> My lts one is also relevant, but differs some dus to being lts.
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<wael_> bfp?
<wael_> also how do you know what firmware system needs
<testuser[m]> Probably means BPF
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<sad_plan> What testuser said. Well, i just used gentoo wiki, which provided me with what I needed for extra firmware. Else you can also use makeallyes config with a arch linux config while chrooting to kiss. Ive done that. Or you can also lsmod to see what modules are active.
<sad_plan> Makeallyes config is really great to filter out what absolutely is not needed. But it doesnt work unless modules are already actually loaded. So its not really applicable when in kiss..
<phoebos> illiliti: realpath(1) would be great
<illiliti> already phoebos
<illiliti> readlink & realpath
<phoebos> oh good
<illiliti> cem: anything in mind?
<illiliti> i'm pretty sure you have something to add or fix in posix
<phoebos> the gnu options that delimit with NUL might be quite useful
<illiliti> also 243, 244, 245, 903
<illiliti> TL;DR posix wants to forbid non-printable characters in filenames
<illiliti> if they fail, they will consider NUL options
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<cem> In general I don't think there are many issues in POSIX
<cem> I think they are mostly doing their jobs well, considering they are job is to keep the consistency
<cem> s/they are job/their job/
<cem> lol I was going for a totally different sentence, funny mistake
<cem> one thing I have a beef right now with is pax, which is already not a historic thing
<illiliti> well, that's isn't really a posix problem
<illiliti> tar interface is lost, completely lost
<illiliti> posix had to invent pax to replace it
<cem> well my current issue with pax is the vagueness of the substitution function
<illiliti> something specific?
<cem> it doesn't mention anything about links, and the OpenBSD pax modifies symbolic links
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<illiliti> ahh
<cem> so if you do a --strip-components kind of thing with the substitution, it can break links inside the tarball
<illiliti> i remember that
<illiliti> yeah that's something posix need to clarify
<cem> mcf posted something about it last year, but I completely forgot about it so I don't know about its state
<illiliti> got it
<cem> The thing is, it kind of does make sense with hard links and symbolic links that have an absolute path
<cem> Eh or maybe not I'm not too sure
<cem> I patched and disabled the substitution on symbolic links in otools
<cem> Never had an issue with disabling it
<illiliti> where i can see your patch?
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