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<testuser[m]> Hi
<noocsharp> hi
<wael_> Hi
aelspire has joined #kisslinux
<aelspire> Hi
<aelspire> I've managed to make touchpad working in linux kernel. It was hellish ride. Much more problematic than my root drive missing due to lack od VMD. And now my kernel config is a mess. Anyone have idea how to nicely organize kernel config? I consider something like git repo containing empty config with or without config fragments, and in separate commits I'll add more functionality for e.g commit: Make touchpad working. Any better idea?
<phinxy> Hellish, how? On my laptop I simply toggled MOUSE_APPLETOUCH
<aelspire> Intel LPSS
<aelspire> LPSS in Processor Features was literally last place I looked into
<aelspire> my main "fun" laptop is Lenovo v15 g2 ITL and it has touchpad over I2C connected to Intel LPSS?
<phinxy> I see
<aelspire> or it looks like something like this
<aelspire> so I'was turning on random option found on gentoo wiki until it worked and now this config is a mess
<aelspire> this one helped
<phinxy> What are those circuit diagrams called for laptop motherboards? These can tell what CPU pin a periphal device is attached to and with the CPU datasheet it should tell what type of hardware is controlling it
<aelspire> Lenovo publish something like this?
<aelspire> I would help greatly
<phinxy> With the right keywords they're found on Google, especially used by private repairmen
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<aelspire> phinxy: thanks
<phinxy> I have problems with Sway. Unless external display is attached during the start of Sway, the swaymsg enabling/disabling of the display won't work.
<illiliti> apply this fix
<illiliti> otherwise script will break with revert commits
<aelspire> Oh, I found one answer in IRC logs, sorry for repeating question. Thanks sad_plan.
<aelspire> sad_plan: There is no problem with kernel config in git, I'm just looking for ideas.
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<wael_> aelspire more like
<wael_> waelspire hahahtgadsghuasdgyreg67wybuhocv6q t47urtjiuogr6byhuoatgiedbs6vcy
<testuser[m]> illiliti: ok
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<aelspire> wael_: Even better - try to guess SHA hash of commit in commit message
<wael_> wait you saw that message
<aelspire> nope, I'm checking logs
<aelspire> I don't know how to use IRC bouncer yet
<wael_> oh god
<testuser[m]> Since Elon Musk had not "authorisied" the hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel invoices that former executives of the company had raked up, he is now refusing to pay travel vendors for those bills.
<aelspire> When he was pretty unknown guy I've thougth that maybe he knows something about buissnes. But now when he is doing what he is doing I see that he has no idea about it.
<aelspire> But it's pretty funny to see twitter imploding real-time, this will be probably topic for internet historians in future
<aelspire> So we are observing big historic event now, again…
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<wael[m]> joining this channel took an awfully long time
<wael_> i agree
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<sad_plan> o/
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<midfavila> big ask but I'm hoping that having twitter implode will cause open/libre source developers to realize that normies don't care about actually learning how to use systems at even a basic level and that pandering to them is hopeless
<midfavila> that wrt: the influx of twitter users to mastodon
<midfavila> of course, it won't happen
<sad_plan> the twitter situation has given mastadon a surge of new users. which is great, but as you said, it wont ever replace twitterin any degree
<midfavila> mmh
<sad_plan> people are too hung up in using the same tools theyve always used. using something new is scary you know
<midfavila> frustrating at first, perhaps, but not scary
<sad_plan> hell, even getting people to use signal is hard, because its not the default, either it be whatsapp, snapchat or fb messenger instead.
<midfavila> yeah you're telling me
<sad_plan> I know, but people are just reluctant to use, or switch to different platforms
<midfavila> i've been trying to convince people to try IRC instead of Telegram/Discord and it's always a huge pain
<sad_plan> theres always bridges though, bit its abit of a pain that too, if im not mistaken..
* midfavila shrugs
<midfavila> sotd suggestion
<sad_plan> is there a music player that works with netbsd-curses? Im currently using cmus, and even netbsd is using ncurses instead.
<midfavila> you could try looking for an mpd frontend
<sad_plan> I was using the ncmpcpp earlier, but I for some reason struggled to getting it to build recently. dont remember why though. didnt bother to investigate. but yeah. mpd frontends might be a good place to look
<midfavila> ye
<midfavila> worst case you could also just use ffplay directly, assuming you have ffmpeg installed
<sad_plan> I doo. but I dont have ffplay actually. theres always mpv aswell, but I like having a dedicated audio player. I initially just used my phone instead with headplugs, but after having my music tranfered over, I like using my pc instead
<midfavila> fair enough
<sad_plan> does mpd work with sndiod though? I wanna use sndio instead. as its smaller
<midfavila> dunno
<midfavila> i use raw ALSA, never looked at sndio
<sad_plan> I currently use alsa too, but I used mpv with sndio earlier. I even got webkit to use sndio aswell with a patch I found
<midfavila> neat
<sad_plan> yeah, that was nice, with the exception of it being really buggy with video output in general. I ended up downloading videos instead, and then just use mpv
<midfavila> honestly the better method
<midfavila> every time i've used a webkit system the experience overall has been... mediocre
<sad_plan> I knoow. I wanna love surf or webkit browsers so much, but I cant help but feel severly handicapped when using it..
<midfavila> mmh
<midfavila> if someone ever ends up making a links backend for surf i'd switch immediately
<midfavila> in my brief forays into the source code of surf i remember thinking it was quite nice
<sad_plan> that would probably be nice.
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