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<wael_> Hi
<midfavila> hello
aelspire has joined #kisslinux
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<testuser[m]> hi
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<virutalmachineus> I'm currently using a rust mircokernel with a crypto blockchain userspace. Elon musk was right about blockchain mars, it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
<testuser[m]> Spin up fully configured dev environments on powerful VMs that start in seconds. Get up to 60 hours a month of free time.
<testuser[m]> can we go ahed with b3 now
stjohn has joined #kisslinux
<illiliti> what's stopping us?
<testuser[m]> nothing
<testuser[m]> i just have to merge
<testuser[m]> and make the draft release public
<testuser[m]> done
<illiliti> nice
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<midfavila> "b3"?
<illiliti> blake3 checksums
<midfavila> aaah
<midfavila> reminds me that i need to give implementing cksum a shot
<illiliti> why would you implement a broken tool?
<midfavila> practice
<midfavila> i have little programming experience, and less implementing from spec
<midfavila> even less in terms of implementing algorithms
<illiliti> try diff or patch
<illiliti> you'll learn algorithms there
<midfavila> on the list, but later
<illiliti> ok
<midfavila> as I implement programs I'm also replacing parts of my userland with them, so I want to be more competent before I work on those
<midfavila> idea being I'm more likely to uncover implementation errors if I daily my own software
* midfavila shrugs
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Guest74 has joined #kisslinux
<Guest74> Is anybody here?
<midfavila> 56 are by my count
<Guest74> How many seconds (average) does kisslinux boot up?
<midfavila> - w-
<wael_> midfavila
<wael_> <Guest74> "How many seconds (average..." <- if all you are about is boot time
<wael_> make your own init
<Guest74> Didn't understand
<wael_> what
<midfavila> disengage
<wael_> tl;dr dont worry about it
<wael_> boot time is not important
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<Guest74> midfavila, then I will describe the question in other words: How long does it take from turning on the computer to the appearance of the desktop?
<midfavila> I understood your question. That you would ask it shows you know nothing of how KISS operates, and as such indicates the tools aren't for you.
<midfavila> If you had taken the time to read the KISS website, you would know that to ask how quickly KISS boots makes no sense.
<wael_> <Guest74> "midfavila, then I will describe..." <- youre the type of guy to shit on systemd without understanding innit
<cem> and what's wrong about caring about init time?
<cem> I very much do
<midfavila> in this instance the problem is that KISS has no standard boot system. asking how fast kiss boots is absurd because every kiss system has a potentially wildly different init scheme, userspace, development toolchain, toolchain environment variables, and so on
<midfavila> it's like asking how fast gentoo boots - *who knows*? every gentoo system is different
<cem> Eh, the way the default init scripts work in kiss doesn't leave much for the init program itself
<cem> There is no difference in boot time with my scripts whether I use runit or shinit or busybox init
<cem> So I don't think there's a huge difference as the init scripts are pretty lean and simple
<cem> It's nothing wrong to be curious and ask
<cem> For me it takes a second or two to boot into my system
<cem> Obviously it will be longer depending on your system complexity, and your hardware Guest74
<Guest74> cem, do you have hdd or ssd?
<cem> nvme
<cem> However, it wasn't much slower with my previous computer that had an hdd
<cem> Oh actually that's not true, sorry
<cem> My root partition was on an nvme and my home partition was on hdd on that computer
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sad_plan has joined #kisslinux
<sad_plan> o/
<sad_plan> strange. is anyone else having issues with enter not working when kiss prompts to install packages?
<sad_plan> hm. didnt happen on a chroot. maybe its my setup giving me issues
<sad_plan> seems sbase dd is the culprit here. broke when #106 got merged into kiss.