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<saturn[m]> o/
<wael_> Hi
<illiliti> testuser[m]: btw you can cherry pick commits to grepo instead of manually merging them
<illiliti> e.g: git cherry-pick -x 1f98464c801b1dd34c24b62063d0159fa0ff6d47
<illiliti> -x will add original hash to commit message
<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> illiliti: i use a script
<illiliti> i'd use cherry pick anyway cuz i'll also preserve original message, ownership
<illiliti> i'll rewrite script to use cherry pick
<testuser[m]> No it'll create too much spam cuz individual commits, i just want sort of a manually updated submodule
<illiliti> individual commits is a good thing
<illiliti> what if commit contains important info?
<illiliti> and what if i want revert specific commit?
<testuser[m]> Hmm that's a valid point
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<wael_> illiliti: why is muon british: err this subcommand must be run from a build directory
<wael_> and wtf does the error mean when it should just work lol
<wael_> oh shit nvm i was running meson oop
<wael_> illiliti: complains about gdk-3.0 not existing but /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gdk-3.0.pc exists
<illiliti> send /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gdk-3.0.pc
<wael_> oh
<wael_> it doesnt get generated
<wael_> got confused between chroot and host
<wael_> /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gdk-pixbuf-2.0.pc is the one thats generated
<illiliti> did you build gtk?
<wael_> wait what package generated /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gdk-3.0.pc
<illiliti> gtk
<wael_> gtk+3 okay
<testuser[m]> ioraff: illiliti phoebos can we switch to b3
<testuser[m]> need new tarball too
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<illiliti> why not mkrootfs?
<testuser[m]> it only does 1 stage build
<illiliti> ok
<illiliti> i think we can switch then
<illiliti> if there are no issues with it
<testuser[m]> btw should we set up some github action for building tarball
<illiliti> you want to use github action to build and upload tarball on codeberg?
<illiliti> why we should use github? there's codeberg ci, no?
<testuser[m]> ye but codeberg probably won't appreciate package compilation running for 2 hrs
<testuser[m]> for something more basic like the openssl generated files we can shift that to codeberg fci
<illiliti> we can ask for permission
<illiliti> but we should test it first to see how long it will take
<illiliti> i'll do this
<illiliti> build on your machine for now
<illiliti> btw
<illiliti> is it acceptable for you to list overrides in variable or i should exclude them dynamically?
<testuser[m]> dynamic is better
<testuser[m]> thanks
<illiliti> ok, will do dynamic
<illiliti> it might be a bit dirtier
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<wael_> hi @mmatongo
<mmatongo> Hi wael_
<mmatongo> Whats dilyn's @
<wael_> @dilyn
<wael_> or you mean github? @dilyn-corner
<mmatongo> It's not showing up
<mmatongo> Yeah but on libera
<wael_> @dilyn
<wael_> this is a libera channel
<mmatongo> I'm aware of that, when I try to mention the @ doesn't show up
<mmatongo> PS i am using
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<midfavila-mobile> hey LOSERS
<midfavila-mobile> how're you all doing today?
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<phoebos> mmatongo: dilyn isn't in the room currently
<phoebos> testuser[m]: so will kiss and b3sum checksums change to b3 when they have a new version?
<testuser[m]> ye
<testuser[m]> ill add note in motd file
<testuser[m]> after update
<mmatongo> damn
<mmatongo> I needed his input on building ghc
<mmatongo> I saw he had a repo for it
<mmatongo> I'm trying to build it minus the bootstrap
<illiliti> what can be worse than rust? only haskell
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<testuser[m]> illiliti: real26m 17.14s
<testuser[m]> j12
<illiliti> ?
<testuser[m]> kiss-bootstrap
<illiliti> ok
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<mmatongo> Yes
<mmatongo> Haskell is worse
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<wael_> why does kiss say 'Terminated' instead of the build failed error with log
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<illiliti> cuz it kills itself
<wael_> wow brutal
<wael_> anyhoo is there a way to add a library (eg. /usr/include/foo/bar.h) inside a package which relies on it? for example the foo/bar.h is bundled with it but the package itself relies on it
<wael_> C{,PP}FLAGS="$C{,PPFLAGS} -I$DESTDIR/usr/include" doesnt help
<mmatongo> Like this? check sources
<wael_> what?
<mmatongo> check the sources files at the link I just sent, are you referring to something like that?
<wael_> not in a way no, i meant sorta like a package A bundled/buillt with package B but package B has something package A needs - which is a library
<wael_> i have the sources and everything is in order, but not sure how to make package A be built with package B's libraries that are in DESTDIR
<wael_> an example is freetype-harfbuzz ( i think )
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<mmatongo> Oh I see, so bootstraping in a sense.
<mmatongo> The go package does that, builds itself with itself. Similarly V from
<mmatongo> As well as GCC
<mmatongo> I think it's unbundled with KISS though but you can look at this for reference
<wael_> idk I tried
<mmatongo> What are you trying to package, maybe I can help
<wael_> Well, I am trying to bundle all of the required X libraries into a single Xwayland package
<mmatongo> say what now
<wael_> But now that I think about it maybe unbundled libraries separately is a better idea
<wael_> Yeah I know lol
<mmatongo> I mean for the sake of your sanity yeah
<wael_> heres what i got so far lol
<wael_> libX11 fails to compile with missing xcb.h thing so thats why i
<mmatongo> That looks like it hurts
<mmatongo> Check that out
<testuser[m]> wael: bruh just make them all static
<wael_> That is what I did.
<wael_> Atleast bundled inside the package that is
<wael_> Maybe with a 'make' dependency for that specific package
<testuser[m]> nvidia can't run with static x libs
<wael_> You mean specifically nvidia-settings yes
<testuser[m]> bruh
<wael_> Oh
<wael_> Oj sh
<testuser[m]> a xorg driver will obv link to xorg libraries
<wael_> I'm kinda referring to wayland
<testuser[m]> I think it only needs libXv or something
<testuser[m]> Xext
<wael_> Instead of having like 20 dependencies for X under Wayland why not bundle it all is what I was tryijg to do
<testuser[m]> so bad
<wael_> Yes quite unfortunate
<testuser[m]> Bundling doesn't solve anything
<wael_> I know
<wael_> Solves the dependency count lol
<mmatongo> In the chase for minimalism, one must consider what lines are worth crossing
<testuser[m]> illiliti: what do u think of having a meta package called core-meta or something that lists all stuff implicitly presumed to be present in build files, like coreutils implementation, compiler, make and libc
<testuser[m]> Required for sandbox but can be used for someth like kiss orphans instead of that hardcoded list
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<mmatongo> Can anyone confirm that the current version of zig (0.10.0) builds just fine?
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<saturn[m]> anyone know if the cmake way of compiling hyprland works fine without having to tinker around?
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