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<phoebos> yeah, i just meant to show that ipv6 was working fine to connect to their server
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<midfavila> phoebos was it you who I discussed Athena with a while back?
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> midfavila: glasnost has riscv
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<wael_> Hi
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<phoebos> midfavila: yes, I think I sent you a couple of my awful athena programs
<phoebos> on that topic, I was doing some particle simulations in plain Xlib yesterday
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<testuser[m]> Send
<midfavila> phoebos, i'm working on refurbing a library you'll be interested in, then
<midfavila> it's called "libsx" - the Simple X Library. it's around 30 years old, but it's still maintained and (relatively) small
<midfavila> about 8k lines of ANSI C. it sits atop Athena and provides some abstractions for working with common widget types so that using Xaw is slightly less homicidal-tendency-inducing
<midfavila> it includes seven or so demos, and on average it seems to cut the amount of boilerplate necessary to use xaw to about half - maybe less
<midfavila> it also includes some small additions to the athena widget set like a color selector
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<wael_> xso ture
<wael_> so ture
<wael_> so true
<midfavila> actually i just ran cloc on the source directory - the demos make up about 3.2k lines of C. library itself is 4834+358 lines of header
<midfavila> (for libsx)
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<wael_> so shocking
<Torr> wael_: What?
<wael_> wat
<phoebos> midfavila: sounds excellent. link?
<midfavila> one secceroni my dude
<midfavila> dox
<midfavila> doobiedoo sources
<midfavila> you'll need to remove some function prototypes (compiler should error out with __P in them -- they're prototypes for posix funcs from pre-posix days) and you'll need to add #include <X11/IntrinsicP.h> to xstuff.h under src
<midfavila> after that it's smooth sailing
<midfavila> i'm thinking about rewriting some of the widgets from "A Survey of Widget Sets" to use libsx, tbqh - some of the behavior libsx provides is really nice. for example, autoconfiguration of scrollwheel callbacks on lists
<midfavila> ^tabs, a file selector, and other goodies
<midfavila> i'm a big fan of the frame widget - it looks *really*, *really* good
<midfavila> ^framedemo with traditional xaw, not 3d or anything
<phoebos> niiice
<midfavila> honestly it makes me feel pretty confident about Xaw's ability as a toolkit
<midfavila> for non-trivial applications, I mean
<phoebos> hm, needs libxaw3dxft
<midfavila> nah, it doesn't
<midfavila> you can just sed -i 's/Xaw3dXft/Xaw/g' *
<midfavila> here, one sec
<midfavila> i'll send you a patched tarball
<midfavila> this should compile with a simple 'make' under src
<midfavila> i haven't rewritten the makefiles themselves so they might be a little crusty, but they do work
<midfavila> gosh I think this is the first time I've been excited about programming in a long time
<midfavila> athena + libsx + a handful of supplements from that page would be fuckn *awesome*
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<midfavila> phoebos, do you have any clue what goes on with the *customization: -color flag wrt: Xaw programs?
<midfavila> only a handful accept it, but those that do (XCalc, XMessage, XEdit etc) end up looking really nice
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<midfavila> nvm, after taking five seconds to poke around it just loads an alternate (really nice) set of resources
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