ChanServ changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unnofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | "An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity." -- Terry A. Davis
<acheam> ?
<acheam> why woul dit fail
<acheam> the commit doesnt even change the build file
<acheam> I cant figure out how to view the stdout of shellcheck
<acheam> oh
<acheam> "Sign in to view logs"
<acheam> ffs
<noocsharp> i changed the build file for the go build
<noocsharp> that's where it's failing
<acheam> so is it running shellcheck on the whole push and not each commit?
<acheam> tsk tsk get a load of this guy, double quote to prevent globbing. who let him in here?
<acheam> also why dont you combine those finds?
<noocsharp> yeah, good point
<dilyn> nah just run em all async
<dilyn> run wild and free
<noocsharp> i updated the patch, try again at your leisure
<noocsharp> oh wait, you pushed it already
<dilyn> yeah turns out I had uninstalled shellcheck and forgot (: (:(:
<dilyn> don't silence your errors fam
<dilyn> bad for scripting
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<acheam> playing with async and multi threading in shell is actually pretty fun
<acheam> making use of traps and &s
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<noocsharp> i should really have a git hook to run shellcheck when i commit
<noocsharp> does fossil have hooks?
<noocsharp> hah didn't think so
<GalaxyNova> wait git has hooks
<GalaxyNova> TIL
<noocsharp> i used hooks for a while to update my website just by pushing to a git repo
<noocsharp> at a certain point i decided rsync was easier
<GalaxyNova> how was rsync easier
<GalaxyNova> I don't really know much about rsync
<GalaxyNova> I'm kind of in the same situation pushing commits to a git repo and then pulling the changes on the server to update my website
<noocsharp> well i was doing some weird things in the hook to build a tree, so i decided it was easier to just copy files using the rsync protocol, and have repo separate
<noocsharp> build the website on my machine and just push it to a directory on the server
<GalaxyNova> ah
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> acheam: isn't it all multi processing and not threading ? `&` launches new instances of the shell and `wait` waits for all of them to die
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<acheam> testuser[m]: yes, you are right
<acheam> hi
<acheam> woke up early today?
<testuser[m]> 20 mins
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<GalaxyNova> acheam: You use catgirl client right?
<GalaxyNova> do you know a way to sort through channels using /list
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<Hazoune> is anyone here?
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<GalaxyNova> Hazoune: Yes
<GalaxyNova> I am here
<GalaxyNova> are you new to irc?
<Hazoune> uhh, yes.
<GalaxyNova> ah
<Hazoune> like 3 days ago :D
<GalaxyNova> you can type
<GalaxyNova> /names
<GalaxyNova> to get the people online
<Hazoune> can you recommend a irc client for me?
<Hazoune> an irc*
<GalaxyNova> what do you need from your irc client
<GalaxyNova> are you using KISS?
<Hazoune> yeah
<GalaxyNova> I maintain weechat in the community repository
<GalaxyNova> it's very easy to use
<Hazoune> I don't know what I need in irc, to communicate?
<Hazoune> weechat?
<GalaxyNova> yes
<Hazoune> I'll check it
<GalaxyNova> not to be confused with wechat
<Hazoune> ah, yes. I don't like chinese apps
<Hazoune> > telemetry
<GalaxyNova> ye
<Hazoune> this weechat is an irc client for terminal?
<GalaxyNova> yeah
<Hazoune> cool! I'll switch later.
<GalaxyNova> what are you using rn?
<Hazoune> I am using dispatch now
<GalaxyNova> oh interesting
<GalaxyNova> I've never heard of it
<Hazoune> yeah, but I'll switch to weechat later :D
<Hazoune> I think it's more cool than dispatch
<testuser[m]> Hazoune: Telemetry isn't specific to chinese apps though
<testuser[m]> Pozzed apps are everywhere
<GalaxyNova> Especially with laws like the patriot act
<GalaxyNova> USA apps are just as spyware
<Hazoune> yeah
<GalaxyNova> anyway if you don't like weechat there's always kirc which is actually supported in the official repositories
<GalaxyNova> and recently I've switched to the catgirl
<GalaxyNova> thanks to acheam
<Hazoune> can I run it on terminal?
<Hazoune> the kirc
<Hazoune> catgirl wat 😳
<testuser[m]> Lol
<GalaxyNova> yeah
<GalaxyNova> both are terminal irc clients
<Hazoune> I'll try weechat first :D
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<Hazoune> sup?
<f1nniboy> hi
<testuser[m]> Hi
<Hazoune> you guys are using xorg?
<f1nniboy> nope
<Hazoune> uhh okay
<f1nniboy> are you on xorg?
<Hazoune> yes and I have a problem with it
<Hazoune> f1nniboy, what wm are you using?
<f1nniboy> sway
<testuser[m]> what problem
<Hazoune> so uhh. without xorg-xprop, I can logout with openbox. if the xorg-xprop is installed, I can't logout.
<testuser[m]> How are you logging out
<Hazoune> I stopped xorg in another tty and I came back to original tty and here's the error I got: xf86enableioports: failed to set IOPL for I/O operation not permitted
<Hazoune> I am using this xinit wrapper,
<Hazoune> I can logout if xorg-xprop is not installed
<Hazoune> let me upload a screenshot of it
<Hazoune> as you can see it is arch, but my main is kiss linux
<Hazoune> I get same errors
<Hazoune> the image is on vm
<testuser[m]> send xorg.log
<testuser[m]> this doesnt tell everythin
<Hazoune> okay wait, mister.
<Hazoune> here it is, view-source: I added view-source so it will not download the file
<Hazoune> wrong, view-source:
<testuser[m]> hmm i dont see any errors
<Hazoune> using xorg-xinit (startx) I can logout with openbox, but with xinit wrapper I can't
<Hazoune> and using this it is working too,
<Hazoune> In kiss linus, I am using this
<omanom> how are you trying to exit openbox? through the menu option?
<Hazoune> yeah, omanom.
<omanom> can you try opening a terminal and running `openbox --exit` there instead of using the menu? just to see if same result
<Hazoune> okay let me try right now
<Hazoune> it doesn't give any errors
<Hazoune> but it flicks white and back to openbox
<Hazoune> just like clicking logout button
<omanom> hm that's interesting, thanks for trying it
<Hazoune> I tried to execute the command again and the decorations' gone
<omanom> what about `killall -SIGUSR1 X`
<Hazoune> it says X: no process found
<omanom> can you post your full xinit wrapper script to a pastebin site?
<Hazoune> my trap is "trap '$HOME/.xinitrc' USR1"
<Hazoune> the content of .xinitrc is "export DISPLAY=:0" and "exec openbox-session"
<Hazoune> I think I need to tweak the xinit wrapper, but I don't really know what to add there
<omanom> >my trap is "trap '$HOME/.xinitrc' USR1" -- doesn't this make .xinitrc run when X exits?
<Hazoune> hmm do you mean it's looping because of that?
<omanom> oh never mind, i thought it was replacing the second trap statement
<Hazoune> and the second trap should be empty
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<aws> Hello everyone
<testuser[m]> Hi
<f1nniboy> hi
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<creative_name[m]> Hello
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<akira01> Hi guys
<akira01> how works the system of patches in kiss?
<akira01> i created the dir and a patch
<akira01> and put in the build "patch -p1 < name.patch"
<akira01> But i get that the file dont exists