<reydi[m]> hey all, i've submitted issue wondering if anyone happen to encounter similar issue on upgrading to jruby-9.4.x.x on M1 2020 Air
<reydi[m]> thanks!
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<headius> reydi: I will look into it as I have an M1
<headius> most stuff has been fine for me but there's known issues with IRB/reline
<headius> reydi: hey I can't see why libfixposix is being used there... normally it would not be loaded unless you request it to load, with process spawning falling back on the existing non-fixposix version
<headius> I can confirm that the libfixposix dylib is not shipped in JRuby for M1 so that's something we will want to add (byteit101 I can give you access to the MacStadium instance we have)
<headius> reydi: I got the same result as you after brew install libfixposix with the SO_VERSION issue... could be a bug in subspawn or the libposix bindings
<headius> reydi: could you file a bug at subspawn? I think it's byteit101/subspawn on github
<headius> $ file lib/ruby/stdlib/libfixposix/binary/arm64-darwin/libfixposix.dylib
<headius> lib/ruby/stdlib/libfixposix/binary/arm64-darwin/libfixposix.dylib: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64
<headius> this also seems wrong... it should be an arm64 binary in the binary dir
<donv[m]> headius: Sorry to be a pain, but could you switch my access in https://github.com/jruby-gradle/jruby-gradle-plugin from `UweKubosch` to `donV` ? `UweKubosch` is my work-profile, and my JRuby work is done using my private `donV` account.
<headius> oh sure
<headius> I will just make you an owner in there
<headius> donv an owner anyway
<donv[m]> headius: Thank you!
<headius> done
<headius> invite sent anyway
<donv[m]> Thank you!
<byteit101[m]> headius, reydi: just got back from vacation (Acadia NP!), but I think I solved that a few months ago when headius reported that issue and was waiting on him to confirm my fix worked so I could tag a release, publish, and update jruby
<byteit101[m]> headius: all gems from https://github.com/byteit101/subspawn/actions/runs/4003226272 and then install the java one
<byteit101[m]> (or the mac one? I forget which I was testing. will do research once I finish unpacking and follow up)