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<headius> Good chance
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<jimtng[m]> 🎉
<enebo[m]> speaking to that the minitest mock issue I was chasing yesterday is odd and I do not think it is a kwargs bug
<enebo[m]> I isolated our failure and extracted it and we run exactly the same between Ruby 3.1 and us...
<enebo[m]> then I am aha this env MT_KWARGS_HACK=1 must be set in rails ci
<enebo[m]> then I noticed the failing test has corrected their calling syntax on rails head (as opposed to rails-7-stable)
<enebo[m]> now I see i18nvalidation tests showing we are not sending kwargs to the mock but as a regular arg...This might be a mistake we are making in arjdbc or it could be a legit kwarg issue
<enebo[m]> This morning I plan on figuring this out but once I check this off I will start testing for 9.4.2
<headius> Ok great
<headius> Quiet day here so I will be working
<enebo[m]> ah alright
<enebo[m]> I just tested windows and it seems ok
<enebo[m]> I have a couple of things as well as lunch but how about trying to launch this afternoon
<enebo[m]> I mean I already started so there's that but I mean finializing the release assuming I do not trip over something
<headius> yeah sounds good to me
<headius> doing nothing but sitting around the pool today
<headius> hsbt pointed this out to me:
<headius> it's nothing important but the rake-compiler extension build might not be working properly on Windows
<headius> or maybe json uses some custom logic
<headius> it's obviously not picking up the JRuby jar
<enebo[m]> hmm
<enebo[m]> just another thing to figure out
<headius> yeah
<enebo[m]> my Rails kwargs + minitest mock is/was frustrating
<headius> yeah so we are not actually broken
<headius> ?
<enebo[m]> I believe we will pass tests in newer rails because they rewrote them for modern kwargs minitest mock API
<enebo[m]> but that is not on rails-7-stable I think because 2.7 is supported
<enebo[m]> well something might be broken but it probably isn't kwargs
<enebo[m]> it is maddening though. I could not figure out if MY_KWARGS_HACK is set on Rails CI because it is pretty sophisticated
<enebo[m]> It may be set in images or maybe isn't displayed in logs while running
<headius> weird
<enebo[m]> but if I extract a failure as a separate minitest mock example MRI 3.1 behaves the same as us
<enebo[m]> both work with the "tempoary" env var
<enebo[m]> but when I set that i18n valididations tests fail but I got some env issue which pissed me off so I decided to ignore this today :)
<enebo[m]> Iti much more likely it calls something internal in arjdbc which is not kwargsish so it passes that option back as regular hash
<enebo[m]> I have seen nothing yet to imply we do kwargs wrong
<enebo[m]> the tests but having studied how the mock impl works I do not see how MRI 3+ could possibly work without that env set
<headius> ok I guess we just move forward for now then
<headius> hey so what do you think about this jffi glibc issue
<enebo[m]> afk 5 minutes or is here
<headius> I still have not found a good way to automate the build, but the released binaries will remain busted on centos7 and rhel7 unless we build it there and release that binary
<headius> I do not want to have to manually build the linux ext every time on a centos VM but I don't know how to automate it
<headius> I am leaning toward just sucking it up and doing the manual build now and hopefully figuring out how to automate it before long
<headius> I can't really do it today because my centos VM is on home x86 machine and I only have M1 machine with me
<headius> (I don't think any of the reporters are JRuby users)
<headius> maybe I'll ask twitter for ideas
<enebo[m]> yeah. this feels like it should be a solved problem somewhere
<headius> glibc does not appear to have any good ways to bind to an older version
<headius> you just have to build against old glibc
<headius> which is pretty lame
<headius> I just realized my attempt to use older debian had a bug so I'm retrying that
<headius> great thanks
<headius> I'll start notes
<enebo[m]> maven releases but maybe not propped. s3 up. gem up.
<headius> where's the script you use to generate this list? I will tweak it to generate a link list too
<enebo[m]> it is
<enebo[m]> rake issues
<headius> ok
<enebo[m]> We need to work on replacing that whole generation mess as it is getting harder to make it work
<enebo[m]> (not the issues part but just the combo of things we need to support rake server)
<enebo[m]> since you looked over split_opts that made it in
<enebo[m]> heh...54 things in 1 month
<headius> nice
<headius> good stuff too
<enebo[m]> some simple spec Prs I guess makes this look bigger but that is still nice
<headius> yeah and we obviously have people waiting for it
<headius> chatting with mrnoname about this glibc thing
<headius> couldn't get MRI to install deps for but I have a regexp replace that works
<headius> still a few issues open against 9.4.2
<headius> ooo callee is a big one
<headius> ten years in the making
<headius> still an ugly hack but it's working
<headius> mrnoname is setting up centos7 to help me figure out the glibc issue
<headius> oops I have to quote that callee
<enebo[m]> pure ascii splits are also 2x faster approx
<headius> nice, feel free to add something there
<enebo[m]> ok
<headius> everything else seemed like one-off small fixes but you can add anything else you want
<enebo[m]> yeah I think I will just tweak that to say ASCII splits are also faster or something like that
<enebo[m]> I wrapped callee with ```
<enebo[m]> String#split has been optimized to skip regular expression use for simple split expressions. Simple ASCII strings also split faster. #7629
<enebo[m]> ok I will push site and then email and GH release
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<headius> Okay whenever the site's updated I'll do all the release announcement stuff
<enebo[m]> It is updated
<headius> ok
<enebo[m]> headius: I think you tweeted the announcement as you
<headius> oops I did
<headius> I'll redo it
<headius> fixed
<headius> ok everything done
<headius> well done team
<headius> crack open a cold one
<enebo[m]> yeah thanks for your help today