headius: I tried the modified JavaNameMangler, and it broke all the Activities.
Caused by: org.jruby.exceptions.TypeError: (TypeError) for method AutoloadActivity.__super$rubyobjAutoloadActivity$onCreate expected [android.os.Bundle]; got: [null]; error: Expected receiver of type rubyobj.AutoloadActivity, but got org.ruboto.RubotoActivity
s//`/, s//`/
headius Are you on?
Hey I'm out shopping but I was just going to mention that identity issue has been escalated to engineering
donv: ^
Yeah I saw the same behavior from the new mangler. There's a bug in there somewhere, or it doesn't like me using high Unicode for some reason
ralph[m] has joined #jruby
Interesting, my issue is marked as being blocked by something else but it's not a public issue
headius: I got past the previous error by using the old null escape character, but now it cannot load am/validations/absence.rb
Trying with ActiveRecord 7.0 :)
Got some progress. Strugling with new autoload in ActiveSupport 7
struggling how?
Rails 7 seems to work pretty good on stock JRuby 9.4 but that's on a normal OS :-)
I ran into that absence.rb thing and thought it was just due to my changes
I think I just botched the mangling change... none of the characters I used should be a problem but there's some char array math I probably didn't fix up
donv: I probably won't be able to return to this until I'm back home next week, other than getting something I can show for RubyKaigi