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<TimUckun[m]> Hello again. I have finally gotten around to fixing the broken rack benchmarks on the techempower benchmark suite. I am now trying to run the benchmarks on jruby but am having problems building the docker file.
<TimUckun[m]> The docker build fails at various gems because it can't build native extensions
<TimUckun[m]> I tried limiting them to ruby and windows platforms but it also fails at building jdbc-postgres
<donv[m]> <headius> "donv: Good news! At the end of..." <- Great! Glad to hear the presentation went well. :) I have now fixed all known problems with using JRuby in the POC and updated the tooling. So now we can generate new applications using JRuby with the tooling (ruboto/ruboto).
<TimUckun[m]> Once I get past this point I would also like to make sure the proper optimizations are applied in terms of java and jruby opts, max database connections etc.
<headius> donv: All problems except the Android bug I assume?
<headius> we may need to work around that since it's going to be in released 13 until fixed and people can update
<headius> Tim Uckun: It shouldn't be trying to build anything for jdbc-postgres
<headius> gem 'oj', '~> 3.14'
<headius> gem 'pg', '~>1.5' # , group: :postgresql
<headius> those should only be on CRuby
<headius> gem 'falcon', '~>0.42
<headius> that too
<headius> I think the others are guarded correctly
<donv[m]> <headius> "donv: All problems except the..." <- I have added a patched and some other patches to work around the problem :)
<TimUckun[m]> The error is
<headius> Tim Uckun: I'm trying to clone now but in-flight internet is a little slow
<TimUckun[m]> No worries. Not in a huge hurry
<headius> rack-jruby: current directory: /usr/local/bundle/gems/io-event-1.0.9/ext
<headius> that's from falcon
<headius> falcon depends in async-io depends on io-event
<headius> I am working on support but it has a hard dependency on a native ext right now
<headius> we won't be able to run the falcon benchmarks (which I did not know existed!)
<TimUckun[m]> OK, I'll guard that too.
<TimUckun[m]> I Iam working on the falcon benchmarks now
<TimUckun[m]> but there is a bug in falcon too
<headius> 62% cloned
<TimUckun[m]> I have reported it
<headius> nice
<TimUckun[m]> So far only unicorn and puma are working
<headius> once I'm settled back in at home I'll be collaborating with ioquatix to get it working on JRuby
<headius> now that we have real fibers
<TimUckun[m]> The command to test it is ./tfb --mode=verify --test=rack-jruby
<TimUckun[m]> from the root of the project
<headius> ok
<headius> Tim Uckun: also need to guard pg and oj as I mentioned, and possibly sequel_pg if that depends on pg rather than jdbc
<TimUckun[m]> OK. If I am going to leave out OJ then I'll have to modify the code a bit
<TimUckun[m]> so leave it for now and I'll work on it some more tomorrow
<headius> enebo has a nearly-complete port of oj to JRuby but it has never been released
<TimUckun[m]> It's almost one AM in New Zealand now
<TimUckun[m]> OJ has a compatibility mode
<headius> a compatibility mode?
<TimUckun[m]> It mimics JSON gem
<headius> ah well we support json gem
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<headius> we just felt we needed to port oj because a lot of sites eventually move to it for performance
<headius> his changes are all on master I guess
<headius> woot done cloning
<headius> I probably could have run this on a server somewhere
<TimUckun[m]> OK the dockerfile built
<TimUckun[m]> but launching puma is failing
<TimUckun[m]> ERROR: worker mode not supported on jruby on this platform
<TimUckun[m]> so I'll have to put a guard on the puma config to only specify threads
<headius> yeah configure for threads
<headius> I am unfamiliar with puma autotune
<headius> yeah this connection is too slow to pull the docker bits
<headius> something like that
<headius> I don't know what autotune does exactly but 2 * CPU count is probably good for JRuby
<headius> huh I was going to try to submit a patch for puma_auto_tune but it hasn't been modified in 6 years
<TimUckun[m]> I see this in the sinatra torquebox dockerfile
<TimUckun[m]> export MAX_CONCURRENCY=$(( 2 * $(nproc) ))
<headius> yeah there ya go
<TimUckun[m]> so that makes sense
<TimUckun[m]> so is that the number of threads?
<TimUckun[m]> seems kind of low to me
<TimUckun[m]> why not hundreds?
<headius> it depends how many are likely to be blocking on external IO
<headius> if they don't block much then it will be CPU-bound and based on number of cores
<TimUckun[m]> all of them given there are database calls
<headius> yes but 2n may be enough to keep CPU busy while DB requests are being handled
<TimUckun[m]> except for the plain text and json tests which are simple and no database calls
<headius> and this runs everything on the same system so even if it's blocking on DB then a CPU will be consmed doing DB work
<headius> if it doesn't seem to max all CPUs then we can tune it upwards
<TimUckun[m]> BTW the PG gem has been updated to try and do everything Async and now also supports fibers
<headius> I have generally had good results with 2n with local docker PG
<TimUckun[m]> sequel also has an async way to running queries but I ran into a bug. Jeremy knows about the problem
<headius> yeah PG gem is probably not going to be supported for us any time soon but JVM fibers work ok with jdbc postgres in theory
<headius> we'll cross that bridge once we can run falcon
<TimUckun[m]> For now I'll do the two times procs
<headius> golden path right now is puma + sequel + jdbc until we can expand support
<TimUckun[m]> Good news. The bechmark suite verified
<TimUckun[m]> just pushed my changes
<TimUckun[m]> Tomorrow I'll run the benchmarks proper and report back. I am sure lots of fine tuning can be done
<headius> that's great, good progress
<TimUckun[m]> Should I also look into doing something with warbler and jetty? Would that be significantly faster?
<headius> once we have the benchmarks running I can help profile and see where we can improve
<TimUckun[m]> or maybe just invoking without going through puma?
<headius> warbler/war/jar-based deployments for JRuby generally were not faster, and that line of code is a bit out of date anyway right now
<headius> it's a deployment choice, not a performance choice
<headius> we're going to get warbler and jruby-rack updated to run well again and run fast but it's not in the immediately future
<TimUckun[m]> ok
<TimUckun[m]> It will be interesting to see how the updated ruby code runs on the benchmarks
<TimUckun[m]> I just got done updating the roda benchmarks and on my machine the updated code (ruby 3.2 yjit) ran about 30% faster than the older version
<headius> nice
<TimUckun[m]> anyway I really need to get to bed. Good night (or day or morning wherever you are)
<headius> yjit is definitely helping
<headius> yeah I'll be in the office this week on US time and monitoring Matrix a lot
<headius> thanks for looking into this stuff!
<donv[m]> headius: I'm getting test failures on a pull request, and they look unrelated. Anything I need to do?
<headius> I broke them before the conf and haven't fixed them
<headius> it's not you
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<donv[m]> headius: @enebo Anyone here got access to merge to the `release` branch at ?
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<headius> donv: I changed the team role to maintain so I think you can merge now
<headius> GitHub ACLs have gotten more complicated since I last messed with teams
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