<TimUckun[m]> This brings me to the next question. Is there any documentation on how to use the Postgres jdbc gem in a threaded environment? Is pooling possible or suitable? The gem also is using a somewhat older version of the driver than the one on the PostgreSQL website. Is there a way to use the updated jar?
<headius> Tim Uckun: first answer requires another question... you mean just using the jdbc driver directly? If you're using it through some DB later like ActiveRecord or Sequel of course they have their own pooling support. If you use the JDBC API directly I think it's up to you to handle pooling, which may mean
<headius> which may mean using something like concurrent-ruby
<TimUckun[m]> I meant using the gem directly but it sounds like it would be better to use sequel.
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<headius> yeah I would recommend that
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<headius> I hope that's not what I think it is but I think it is what I hope it is not
<headius> it is what I think it is
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<headius> enebo: so we have a problem
<headius> after poking around on that mavengem issue yesterday, it suddenly started working
<headius> now I know why... they are in the middle of a month-long intermittent "brown out" of the API leading up to a complete removal on May 19
<headius> s/19/10/
<headius> Here's the blog post from February about the deprecation: https://blog.rubygems.org/2023/02/22/dependency-api-deprecation.html
<headius> I have added comments to an issue someone else filed and I'm trying to chat up the right people on the bundler slack right now
<headius> if this API is removed before we can update, test, and release the plugin, JRuby's build (specifically fetching and installing stdlib default and bundled gems) will break, as will any downstream projects using mavengem.
<enebo[m]> great
<enebo[m]> How long was this announced anyways?
<enebo[m]> I am not sure I would have ever seen it so perhaps it is academic but examining logs of how people used this API perhaps could have made someone realize we consistently use it
<enebo[m]> ah feb 22 on a blog
<enebo[m]> hopefully we get quite a bit more runway
<headius> yeah I didn't even know we used this API until I started looking into the failures
<headius> so even if I had seen the blog post in Feb I would not have known we'd be affected
<headius> and we just officially took over maintenance of this thing a few months ago
<headius> closing the loop here... we worked it out with the rubygems.org folks: they will whitelist the /java.*/i User-Agent used by Java HTTP clients for at least the next 90 days while we fix up mavengem and any other projects