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<headius> lots of strange things in rails profile, like ASM methods getting compiled really late in the benchmark
<headius> we shouldn't be generating more code after the initial 50 threshold for methods
<headius> our Hash is so heavy... dup of anyhash shows up in profile
<headius> fair amount of lock contention in random number gen
<donv[m]> <headius> "donv: That's great news! I..." <- I have now tested with all versions from Android 8.1 api 27 to Android 13.0 api 33, and they all work until Android 13.0. On Android 13.0 the app fails due to new security restrictions on Method#identity.
<donv[m]> donv
<donv[m]> headius: My next step is to try to update the POC with the current tooling. I will keep JRuby 9.2.x.x for now, and hope you can help with upgrading to 9.3.x.x and 9.4.x.x.
<headius> donv: okay, did you push changes to get it working up through Android 12?
<donv[m]> Yes, and I have pushed changes to ruboto with the updates from the POC.
<headius> Hopefully that last issue with 13 is not a big one? But probably something we need to change in JRuby itself?
<donv[m]> Yes, or request a new public API in Android.
<donv[m]> Got a new app built and starting, but generating a new Activity fails.
<kares[m]> <headius> "our Hash is so heavy... dup of..." <- do have some real-world slow-ness - Rails managed to patch it's features on top of JSON gem in way that has a mega-morphic `super` call-site which is literaly super-slow.
<kares[m]> plannin on with an issue report at some point later.
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<donv[m]> headius: Got a new Ruboto app working using the guide in the README! I did some changes during development, so I will repeat the process now.
<donv[m]> headius: OK, got the guide pretty smoothe. Next steps are updating JRuby and moving more of the steps in the guide into tooling.
<donv[m]> headius: Ruboto POC upgrade to JRuby + Gradle 8 worked fine.
<donv[m]> headius: Got trouble upgrading to JRuby `ExtendedOpenOption.NOSHARE_DELETE` is missing on Android.
<donv[m]> headius: I tried upgrading to JRuby, and I have handled a few necessary changes, but I feel this is now on your turf.
<donv[m]> headius: Would you like me to check in on a branch what I have, or maybe do some remote pair programming?