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<kares[m]> Hey Tim Uckun both options (puma as well as a servler container such as tomcat with jetty) should work.
<kares[m]> > seems like people are just using puma but I see no special config to make sure it's not forking or running many many threads
<kares[m]> I believe Puma might have less of an overhead though but I am not sure that would mean it's faster, it's certainly easier to setup for a benchmark.
<kares[m]> the amount of threads to set might depend on the underlying machine sizing (in terms of memory/cpu)
<kares[m]> you could start with a setup ~ the same as with MRI using Puma, which you figured, except avoiding the forking part
<TimUckun[m]> In the current set up there are 15 workers and 18 threads. Does this mean I should multiply those for the number of threads or just stick with 18?
<kares[m]> so sounds like the machine can handle a lot of traffic or that most requests will end up choking (waiting) for the DB, in that case yes - you could give 18x15 threads a try
<headius> good morning!
<byteit101[m]> morning!
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