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<kares[m]> Thiing is that str.downcase for those exotic utf-8 code points works fine, so I thought it would use the same code with /regexp/i
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<donv[m]> Hi all!
<headius> donv: good evening!
<donv[m]> Installing Android Studio now :)
<headius> woohoo... I think I sent you my patch but let me know what you see on your end
<donv[m]> Do you have a repo for the Ruboto project?
<headius> I will push something
<donv[m]> I think most of the tooling is obsolete and can be removed for "Ruboto 2". I am working through the README for a new project. How far have you come setting up a new project?
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<headius> I was just trying to run tests against ruboto 2 to see if it could be updated for recent android versions
<headius> I believe Michael got stuck when it broke trying to use Android APIs that are removed or disabled or something
<headius> yes
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<donv[m]> Run tests against the ruboto/ruboto repo?
<headius> I got to the point where it tries to generate apps and test something about them, but it doesn't seem to have the right flags or paths
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<headius> so I stopped there to see if this is the best way forward
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<headius> donv: The priority short-term would be getting it fixed up enough we can generate an app, Even just a simple one to demonstrate it's possible
<headius> I thought maybe if the tests were working and I could make some minor alterations I could push a new gem and Michael would be able to use it
<headius> I have a 13-hour flight tomorrow, probably will work for at least half that time, and then pei starts next week Friday so we have about a week to cobble something together
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<headius> GHA speed improvements seem to be panning out... a clean run on master is now around 30 minutes down from 45
<headius> we need to tweak spec:ruby:fast to be much faster and move more tests to slow
<enebo[m]> headius: this will not help but I am slowing moving test:jruby and spec:regression into spec:jruby
<enebo[m]> I realized we are testing a lot of stuff altready spec'd but also I was having a hard time finding what tests we do have
<enebo[m]> spec/jruby has beginnings of same layout as spec/ruby but it will only contain specs specific to us
<enebo[m]> I move common specs over to ruby/spec unless they are there already then I just delete them
<enebo[m]> I guess it will eventually help because I am deleting some tests. It will mostly reduce the size of our matrix and make it easier to find specs
<headius> yeah the more we can reduce it the less important it is we run it many ways
<headius> a lot of remaining test:jruby stuff could also move into spec:ji
<headius> enebo: `literal` flag on Hash/HashNode does not appear to be used anymore since we have separate kwarg handling
<headius> I have removed from IR and JIT locally but parser changes would be needed to remove from node
<enebo[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> yeah Java specific things can be in ji but one example in spec:jruby was classpath URI handling for File and Pathname
<enebo[m]> It is more specific to those functions than to Java interaction
<headius> I just realized profiling that at some point I removed non-varargs construction paths for literal arrays and hashes, so they're both creating an array of elements and then inserting those elements into a separate object
<headius> so simplifying this before I fix that
<headius> literal hashes should have like 5-10 element construction paths to avoid creating temp arrays
<enebo[m]> My yarp branch I am hoping to merge this summer (still a ways out but it massively changes IRBuilder)
<enebo[m]> So this is a trivial thing to merge but just a heads up
<headius> kwargs too... all pairs in an IRubyObject[] and then inserting those into a normal hash
<headius> I'm confused though... I know I had this hooked up to the "small hash" logic
<headius> may have been part of kwargs cleanup and never got put back
<enebo[m]> possibly
<enebo[m]> I do remember us talking about small version of something earlier this year too but I am not positive it was for kwargs
<headius> mmm I think Array doesn't do it because there's only two practical cases for passing without the []: 1 and 2 specialized arrays
<headius> so it's just using the indy-constructed array as the array
<headius> but hash and kwargs should skip the intermediate array
<headius> and use small hashing
<headius> yeah I think when we stopped using the literal flag the calls to the spread forms went away
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<headius> we need to get that thread-safe direct addressing hash in place
<headius> that would cut down allocation for hashes a ton
<headius> moving indy small hash creation to non-varargs + small hash logic improves a three-element hash bench by 33%
<headius> 👍
<headius> out of office until later or tomorrow
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