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<headius> at some point indy binding of Java methods broke, and the fix strikes me as very weird:
<headius> like that isStatic check does exactly the reverse of what it should, and I don't know how that would have happened
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<headius> wow wtf GraalVM EE seems really slow calling reflected methods
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<headius> JRuby master without the patch above:
<headius> something seems broken
<headius> hmm looks like they are still working on the macos aarch64 graal jit
<headius> donv: Good news! At the end of the conference day today I sat down with Michael and Selena and we got there demo application working on Michael's phone. They just duplicated the POC and swapped in their own code but it's up and working and they have a new happy ending for their talk. Thank you so much for helping us get this updated and we can go from here to finish off the remaining issues
<headius> s/there/their/
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