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I'd like to bump foot's wayland-protocols version requirement a couple of versions. Any thoughts? We're currently requiring 1.32. I'd like to move that up to 1.37, 1.38 or 1.41 (1.41 being the most recent release)
(current debian stable, bookworm, is still on 1.31. Thus, we're not breaking anything there)
debian backports is at 1.39
everyone else seems to be up to date. Perhaps we should just go directly to 1.41. This would allow us to drop a number of #ifdefs
with alacritty I can have multiple url hint modes
what does that mean?
different key combos, performing different launch commands
e.g. +U command1 +I command 2
cbb linked to the "command" parameter
oh yeah, different commands
i guess there's a single command in foot
oh yeah?
woodwose: you can define multiple regex sections
no, it's not about different regexes
look at regex, not url
it's about having the same link opened with different commands
use the same regex as url mode
multiple regex sections, same regex, different launch command
dnkl: hey btw, i wanted to let you know i tried alacritty for a while, and found it lacking in many regards, i'm likely going back to foot soon :)
yeah, even if for sixel support alone
anarcat: what did you find lacking?
dnkl: that should do, thanks, and sorry having missed that
well, it's only on the master branch, not in a release yet
cbb: i'm going to write a whole article about it
but the double-right-click thing to select words is driving me mad, for one
dnkl: that's not issue, I can run it from master
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dnkl: I will use the moment to thank you for your awesome work
woodwose: you're welcome
dnkl: OpenSUSE TW (rolling release) has 1.41. Leap 15 (current non-rolling) has 1.36 but it's also frozen to foot 1.16. Leap 16 (next non-rolling) is on 1.40 but that might be able to be updated to 1.41 if it becomes necessary. (I don't maintain the stable releases' packages so I don't know how they work.)
anarcat: oh nice... I'll keep an eye out for it then
dnkl: BTW, do you have any timeline for a foot release with the fcft scaling filter commit? No rush, just evaluating whether I want to patch it in or wait for a release
(... or disable the deprecation warning-as-error)
Arnavion: I think it's time for a new release. So, "soon". I'll need to check the issue tracker, to see if there's something more I want in, but otherwise I'd say next week, latest
Okay, thanks
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