technically local is POSIX but there is no associated behavior
I.e it is not a syntax error to have it, and what it does is implementation defined
it’s specified in 2.9.1 command search and execution
> If the command name matches the name of a utility listed in the following table, the results are unspecified.
with the only search entry taking priority over this being special built-ins
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(it’s in the same group as “builtin”, “disown”, “history”…)
emersion: sometimes standards arent for good, especially missing no-brainer features
in other words: it should have *been* in the standard
if its needed, i can resubmit the patch with the "unset" commands and with function specific variable naming.
basically all implementations have it and those that don’t basically ignore it; so unless the latter is an issue you can probably keep it as is (?)
sewn: then don't refer to the standard at least
POSIX is full of “details” like this so that avoiding all undefined behaviours is very hard
(but I disagree in general)
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