dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.20.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<anarcat> so i found a *really* weird bug
<anarcat> i'm not sure if it's in golang, g10k, or both foot and alacritty
<anarcat> but if you're on a debian testing or unstable system right now and run `apt install g10k ; g10k -version` on foot or alacritty, it hangs
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<anarcat> in gnome-terminal, it doesn't
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<anarcat> it looks like this system call never returns openat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/tty", O_WRONLY|O_CLOEXEC)
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<dnkl> I have a hard time seeing how a stalling syscall can be the terminals fault...
<anarcat> that's such a weird bug
<anarcat> but the reality is that it happens only in some terminals
<dnkl> could be related somehow to the application doing different things depending on terminal? i.e using a different set of terminal features?
<anarcat> i guess it's possible, but g10k doesn't do much with the terminal
<anarcat> it might do colors and probe for that
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<dnkl> to my knowledge, openat can't not return. it smells now like a mutex deadlock, but I don't see how that could cause strace to think openat is stuck
<dnkl> s/now/more
<dnkl> interesting bug nevertheless
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<Arnavion> Maybe it's being opened multiple times and some circumstances cause the second one to block
<Arnavion> If it really is stuck in openat then /proc/$pid/stack might give a hint
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<ovf> anarcat: in your strace, the openat completes two lines down. strace -f output is ordered by time, which means that traces of syscalls from different processes may interleave. this is what '<unfinished ...>' means -- the current syscall is still running but strace needs to print something else. it then continues with '<... $call resumed>'.
<ovf> first token on a line of strace -f output is pid. you might also be interested in the -ff option if you find -f output confusing
<ovf> dnkl: you were spot on here, but in general open can of course block. e.g. mkfifo foo;strace cat foo