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Hey all! I am interested in getting foot on flathub. I have a working manifest able to run foot properly but before I can submit it I have to get author permission. As such, would dnkl be okay with the submission? (I would ping but I don't know their nick.)
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emersion: you mentioned 10-bit and/or fp16, for higher color precision; which shm formats did you have in mind?
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oh btw thanks dnkl for commit 4abbaf1345, i had to figure out some of that stuff for myself
rnd: hopefully now I don't have to relearn this every time someone asks 😂
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dnkl: XBGR2101010 or XBGR16161616 for instance
er, XRGB16161616F I mean
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emersion: thanks. I can't find any pixman format corresponding to 16F, but a/Xbgr2101010 works
btw, I also fixed the issue with subsurfaces not being correctly handled; my fault, wrong surface pointer in one of the color-management calls...
yeah, pixman seems to only have 32F
ah nice
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alright, 10-bit buffers can now be enabled with tweak.surface-bit-depth=10-bit. The default is still 8-bit, regardless of whether gamma-correct blending has been enabled or not (since 2-bit alpha doesn't play nice with transparent background)
(in the srgb branch)
emersion: one more question... which endianess is preferred? RGB or BGR? Or is there no difference?
assuming the compositor supports both
him I don't think it makes a difference
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dnkl: It's been awhile but I think we discussed adding mouse "buttons" for touch scroll events, but I have another idea for that and curious what you think
Emitting a single event to indicate touch started / bracketed paste
Basically so a TUI can know if they should apply a multiplier or not to scroll events (touch sucks with a multiplier)
rockorager: and in between, regular mouse motion events?
I do like the idea of the TUI deciding the multiplier. Just like it does for regular mouse scroll events
it would only apply to scroll events, touch motion wouldn’t need it
so before delivering a wheel button event, send a touch_scroll_start or whatever
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rockorager: there's no pure touch scroll events in wayland - only touch motion. Foot converts touch motion events to mouse scroll events
but yeah, from a TUI perspective, I can see that scroll events make more sense
and we'd need a new private mode to activate/deactivate the touch start/end events
I thought you receive a axis_discrete or something?
that's touch*pad*
I’m conflating touch and discrete
I think touch and touchpad scrolls (ie nondiscrete) should not have a multiplier
and the tui should be able to decide that
wait how does a touch screen scroll appear in Wayland?
foot doesn't apply the multiplier if a) your on the alt screen, and b) the application has enabled mouse events
like I said above, touch (not touchpad) are motion events only
yes but I as the TUI want to apply a multiplier to wheel events but not touchpad
foot gives me one wheel tick, I just want to know if that came from a touchpad or a discrete
right, I agree. Just saying that TUIs already do that. Just that they can't tell the difference between mouse and touch. Hence your suggested start/end events
ah ok
I got that, just making it clear that foot does not apply any multiplier at all, as it is already
if we're going to add a new event, better ensure it can differentiate between mouse, touchpad and touch screen
not just mouse vs. touch
it could be emitted before motion events too
pointer source mode
i know apple has some nice with precision scroll - so we need to differentiate there
but either way the terminal could send some CSI with an enum value: unknown / discrete mouse, touchpad, touch screen, precision mouse
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I mean, it could be emitted before *any* mouse event
click too, …I see how touch screen scrolling works now 😂
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you get a touch click + motion and interpret as a scroll
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maybe that’s all too hacky and just having a new sequence to send an axis event is better. semantically it’s not the same as a mouse button
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