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nano ~/.config/foot/foot.ini
# Foot configuration
# Police
# I use dracula theme installed in foot-themes
OtzmaVindicus: it is not possible to reload the configuration at runtime. This has been discussed many times before; we're not adding support for that
there are various ways to dynamically reload the color scheme, using escape sequences. But the font cannot be changed at runtime, in any way.
You change the size, instead of nine you put 14 for example in: font=Cousine:size=9
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jpp: they want to change the font, at runtime, not the font *size*
OtzmaVindicus: because it isn't. No-one's implemented it, no one's planning on implementing it
but, technically, is it like changing a font size?
manio: what am I looking at/for?
as you can see in full screen i have one empty line at the end and cursor, in full screen it is one single empty line and cursor - is this a known problem?
sorry - in one case one empty line, two lines in the other case
it is running `tail -F` and I pressed enter once
manio: depends a bit on how those last lines were printed. Foot decided to reflow the last, empty line for some reason
a workaround is to use tmux or screen, then you can start foot with a different font and just reopen your session
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OtzmaVindicus: never said it would be difficult. But being easy doesn't mean it's wanted. Like I said, this is not something we're planning on supporting
j`ey: i can run different foots with different fonts in sway, with foot -f newfont
but i want to change the font live.
dnkl: changing fonts live is really useful. it allows for some kind of next-gen privacy features.
feel free to write a patch. But for now, it's not something I would accept upstream
it'd be nice to change weechat's font live when chatting in public, so that people looking behind your back can't understand you what you're saying (unless they do frequency analysis)
ok. so, since you're against me, i guess, i'll give up.
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OtzmaVindicus: and using tmux is a workaround since it allows you to keep the same thing open in the new terminal
like, weechat in tmux, but opened in different foot -font xxxx?
i see
very dirty though.
running weechat in a terminal itself is already dirty
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would be cool if foot could use oklch/p3 colour space for themes.
the additional colour space could result in some really rich vibrant colours for really high contrast
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WhyNotHugo: I'll merge the srgb/gamma-correct branch soon. Feel free to take a look at implementing it. I don't think it'll be too difficult to support, assuming 10-bit color depth is enough
the srgb branch adds 10-bit support, but it's disabled by default since it reduces alpha to 2 bits, which isn't really enough for people with transparent backgrounds
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might want to enable it by default for opaque backgrounds, and when gamma-correct blending is enabled
i understand that it is toggled at runtime, not build time?
the 10-bit surface support doesn't require gamma-correct blending, but doesn't make much sense to use without it
gamma-correct blending requires color-management support in the compositor at runtime
and a recent enough version of Wayland-protocols at build time
with my still limited understanding of color spaces, I'm guessing "all" that's needed for P3 is a decoder function to decode from P3 to linear, and then the already existing 10-bit surface support *and* color-management support in the compositor (to encode our linear surfaces to the proper output format)
i'm gonna have to read the colour management protocol and related docs again
i wasn't volunteering to implement this, but i'll read the material and see what i can figure out
i have no means to test any of this as non of my monitors have the color precision needed. But be happy to review PRs :)
I only have on my secondary display (e.g.: a small 14" side monitor)
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dnkl: you'll probably need to change the primaries
maybe will need some functions to convert from one color space to another
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primaries is also the keyword where i landed :)
what i don't entirely understand is how to convert colours from a human-friendly representation (e.g.: oklch) which would be in the config file into H.273
nvm, i just need to do more reading
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you could also decide to use scRGB as the colorspace
like some games do
that would require less changes to your code
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gamma-correct blending is now in the master branch, along with 10-bit buffer support.
you'll need fcft >= 3.2.0
foot -d info will log whether gamma-correct blending is enabled or not, and which bit-depth the buffers are using (you have to explicitly enable 10-bit, it's not done automatically)
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emersion: for picking my colours, i find HCL simpler, since i can pick colours with same brightness and different chroma. i want consistent intensity/contrast.
i'm only talking about the colorspace here
… i suppose colorspace is overloaded here
i was talking about the color volume used by foot's buffer, which is going to be RGB
sorry - i'm being confusing by mixing things up again
i was talking about the color volume used by foot's buffer, which needs to be larger than sRGB
regardless of the color volume picked, foot will use RGB channels for its buffer, and you can convert other channels to RGB
does this make sense?
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right, even if my theme is in HCL, I need to convert that into RGB channels.
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and i the buffer format is, for example argb2101010, i get 10 bits per channel
but still need to convert my "human defined oklch" colour into rgb channels.
which i'm realising is… mostly matrix multiplication?
should be just a matrix mult yeah
that's done once at startup anyway, it can be quick and dirt for a prototype
i think convertin to oklch->oklab needs some cosine first, but perfectly doable.
hm, well, seems like LCH is a bit more than just a matrix multiply